Jory Hadsell

Dr. Jory Hadsell currently serves as the Executive Director of the California Virtual Campus – Online Education Initiative. The CVC-OEI, managed through a grant to the Foothill-De Anza Community College District, is a statewide collaborative effort to assist students in accelerating completion of their educational goals, through increasing access to high-quality online transferable courses, degrees […]

Using Social Media Creatively to Increase Donor and Alumni Engagement

Learn how to keep social content and ideas fresh and exciting across platforms. In this suite, Lynne Wester will show examples of how to incorporate fun, gratitude, and conversation into posts to better engage donors and alumni. This package of six 8 to 12 minute sessions, one media platform per session, is designed to help […]

Spotlight on Innovation: Colleges and Universities that are Making a Difference

Emerging Trends: How Colleges Can Operate as Learning Organizations In late 2014, the US Department of Education awarded $75 million in “First in the World” grants to twenty-four colleges and universities, to fund initiatives to improve college access and completion, particularly for lower-income or first-generation students. Since then, we’ve interviewed those leading the First in the World […]

A Tool for Increasing Application and Retention Rates for At-Risk Students

SPOTLIGHT ON INNOVATION SERIES The US Department of Education has awarded multi-million dollar “First in the World” grants to 18 colleges, universities, and organizations that are innovating to solve critical challenges with access, recruitment, retention, and student success. At AI, we have interviewed each of the recipients to learn more about the projects these institutions are […]

Focused Learning Plans

Use Our Learning Plans to Combat Burnout and Gain New Skills Become a member to gain access to all learning plan resources. Start our member favorite learning paths for a deeper dive into current challenges around workplace culture and communication. Become a member to get full access to these plans. We will also work to […]

FERPA: When to Involve Legal Counsel
and Leadership

In working to meet the FERPA obligations of your campus, you’ll inevitably interact with board members, legal counsel, or other administrative leaders. Sometimes these leaders will call on you to release information or offer advice related to FERPA, and sometimes you must call on them in order to make a tough decision on FERPA. But […]

Working with Institutional Data for Student Retention

Data can be a powerful tool for understanding attrition and creating student success programs. Student affairs and enrollment professionals often yearn for access to data, but when they do have access, they may struggle with distilling the data they acquire, using that data effectively, and working with others to ask the right questions. This virtual […]

Research Grants: Which Colleges are Getting Them?

Research grants are increasingly competitive, and our analysis shows that just the top 50 colleges and universities account for nearly two thirds of research expenditures in the U.S. by Sasha Egorova, Research Analyst, Academic Impressions A Disparity in Research Grants More higher ed institutions, including predominantly teaching universities, are facing a push to increase their […]

Dan Allen

Dan has been designing websites for higher education and promoting best practices in online content management for nearly fifteen years. During that time, he has been a staunch supporter of web standards and an enthusiastic advocate for accessible web design. At Drexel, he creates and delivers workshops on web accessibility and works with clients to […]

Checklist: Taking Support for Online Students to the Next Level

“It’s important… to remember that online is not a type of student, rather, it is a mode of delivery for academic coursework.” Sue Ohrablo, High-Impact Advising The changing reality of our student demographics means that the diverse demands of outside employment, caring for children or dependents, and even commuting to and from campus greatly impact […]