Star Kafovalu-Wildes

Star is an Academic Advisor/Social Media Coordinator for the Office of Advising and Academic Services, a Department of Undergraduate Studies at California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB). She also teaches the University Studies, Freshman Seminar and advises student clubs and organizations. Star graduated from CSUSB with a Bachelor’s of Arts in Psychology, minor in Sociology. […]

Kathryn S. Young

Kathryn Young is a Professor in Secondary Education at Metropolitan State University of Denver and has served as a Faculty Fellow with the Office of Institutional Diversity at the university. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in French Education from University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, a Master’s of Arts in Teaching from North Carolina […]

Janet Deal Daniel, Ed.S.

Janet oversees the Office of Adult Students and Evening Services (OASES) at UNC Charlotte, which is designed to enhance student success. She also works collaboratively with academic units to provide the 49er Finish program, re-entry programs, advising, scholarships, a mentoring program, newsletters, and two honor societies for adults on campus. In addition to internal relationships, […]

Learning Hubs | Go in depth on key issues

LEARNING HUBS Go in depth on key issues Watch video interviews with the experts, read our best articles and reports, see upcoming conferences, and peruse our books and assessments. Academic Affairs Is Your Academic Program Portfolio Still Relevant? You Acted, We Answered: Moving Instruction Online Advancement Advancement Training, Resources, and Experts You Can Count on […]

Report: The Skills Future Higher-Ed Leaders Need to Succeed

How do you lead when there is no map? When the territory is unknown? The swift pace of change and the complexity of the challenges facing our colleges and universities is immense, and is testing the abilities of our institutions’ leaders. The playbook of the past does not offer a sustainable path forward for all […]

Reopening Campus: Building Student Community Amid COVID Restrictions

As more institutions announce their reopening plans for fall 2021, Student Affairs leaders are faced with a challenge: How might building community among undergraduate students look different when campuses reopen amid shifting COVID-19 safety restrictions? Join us online for a 2-hour, highly interactive discussion and brainstorming session around this topic, focusing in on three key […]

Create an Alumni Volunteer Experience that Fosters Life-Long Engagement with Your Institution

Create an Alumni Volunteer Experience that Fosters Life-Long Engagement with Your Institution Enjoy this recorded 3-part series, plus a bonus Q&A recorded session for members, which will provide strategies and new approaches to improve alumni volunteer recruitment, onboarding, and recognition, so you can get the most out of your relationships with your volunteers. Alumni volunteers […]

Mary McGuinness

Mary McGuinness creates environments for innovation, taps multiple intelligences, and provokes new ways of thinking and doing. She helps her clients to maximize their potential to create and execute ambitious plans for themselves, and for the organizations and teams they lead. Mary is a leadership development specialist and ICF-certified executive coach who partners with her […]

The Case for Placing Marketing within Enrollment Management

Is there a “right” place and reporting structure for admissions marketing? Recently I received a message from a colleague at another institution asking for resources “illustrating the benefits and drawbacks of a dedicated admissions marketing position within a university’s organizational structure.” This colleague, who currently works within a marketing division that reports to advancement and […]

Engaging Meaningfully with First-Generation Graduate Students to Increase Retention

While institutions today are getting better at recognizing that first-generation undergraduate students face additional barriers in navigating college, they still often expect first-generation graduate students to know how to overcome those barriers. Yet first-gen graduate students can still experience a variety of unique challenges – both personal and academic – that create additional roadblocks to […]