Jamie Henry-Troester

Jamie Troester is the Senior Coordinator of Events and Tours at Oklahoma State University. With more than twenty years of non-profit event planning experience, Jamie has served in her current role for ten years and is responsible for OSU’s campus visit and event program. Jamie is highly involved in all aspects of meeting and event […]

Lisa Henkel

In this role, Lisa Henkel leads the university’s strategic and operational retention efforts. Henkel is responsible for providing leadership, definition, and organization to the advising and retention functions of the university. In collaboration with the academic community, she implements growth and retention strategies for UMUC to foster optimal continuous enrollment of students. She has a […]

Dr. Jim Weese

Dr. Jim Weese teaches, consults, conducts research, and delivers speeches on the topic of leadership. He is heralded as a transformational academic leader and a leading authority in the area who has engaged audiences across many sectors on the merits of a team approach to leadership. His “5C Leader” concept serves as the foundation to […]

Shawn T. Gordon, MA, MBA cert.

Shawn believes in giving back and in being of service to others. In her current role, she has the opportunity to do both for an institution she loves. It is her privilege and honor to be able to work for the institution that was so important to her in her formative years. Shawn has a […]

Charla Long, JD

In the role of dean of college of Professional Studies, Dr. Long is responsible for designing three to four new academic graduate and undergraduate programs each year in response to time-sensitive workplace development needs. She is accountable for growing the college by 1,000 students and $10 million in revenue in five years. She also provides […]

Understanding and Clarifying Faculty Mentoring Roles

As faculty navigate mentoring relationships, a number of challenges can arise as a result of expectations and roles not being as clearly defined as possible. Mentors can serve in many different roles for mentees, including coaches, confidants, teachers, guides, advocates, sponsors, and more. Mentors may even move between roles depending on the needs of their […]

Improving Promotion and Tenure Reviews by Using a Deliberative Decision-Making Model

By participating in promotion and tenure reviews, faculty make the most consequential decisions they will ever have to engage in on behalf of their colleagues. Without adequate training and preparation, departments often have a reputation of unfair decisions, power dynamics, and lack of transparency that taint the process going forward and impact culture and morale. […]

Marilu Goodyear

Marilu Goodyear has thirty years’ experience as an academic program manager, information technology leader and librarian. Presently, she is Associate Vice Chancellor at the University of Kansas Edwards Campus in Kansas City. In this position, she works across the University to develop academic programs targeted at Kansas City area workforce development needs. Previously, she served […]

Incorporating Virtual Labs and Lab Kits in Your Courses

Virtual labs and remote lab kits will become a reality for many faculty and instructors in the fall. Implementing these can be key to ensuring quality online education and retaining students. However, you may be new to online formats and searching for resources on how to begin. You may be asking: What types of remote […]

Your First Year as Department Chair: Building Trust, Communication, and Community

As a new Department Chair, you may realize there are many skills you need to be successful. Practical skills, such as scheduling and budgeting, may come to mind. However, the human development skills – those that foster trust, communication, and community between your faculty – may be the most important, especially if you’re experiencing discord […]