Habits of Highly Effective Higher-Ed Professionals

Higher education does a great job educating others, but seldom do we work on ourselves. We don’t take the time to ‘sharpen the saw.’ As a result, colleges and universities are filled with very sharp people who possess rather dull blades. In a classic video vignette entitled “Big Rocks,” from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, […]

Academic Advising’s Role in Change Implementation

READ THE WHOLE SERIES:Developing a High-Performing and Productive Advising Department In this series, “Developing a High-Performing and Productive Advising Department,” I’ve discussed strategies for identifying, assessing, and meeting student, staff, and advisors’ needs. Now I will discuss strategies for positively impacting departmental, college, and university-wide systems and contributing to the effective implementation of change. Be a […]

Community College Finance: Maintaining Liquidity

2010. A report from Moody’s Investors Service stresses that as community colleges experience enrollment surges during this down economy, many will issue bonds as a means of raising the capital needed to provide the new construction, renovation, and technological infrastructure projects needed to meet the growing demand. As community colleges take on more debt to […]

Getting Performance Appraisals Right in College Admissions

In an era in which half the post-secondary institutions in the U.S. are facing enrollment declines, performance assessment and continuous improvement in admissions has never been more critical. Even those institutions with strong enrollments, experienced staff, and strong market position need to take the performance assessment process seriously. Why You Need to Do it Right […]

Authentic Conversations: A Discussion Series with Amazing Women Leaders

Authentic Conversations: A Discussion Series with Amazing Women Leaders   Recorded on December 11, 2023 | Recorded on December 15, 2023 | October 11 , 2024 Meet the women leading higher education. Overview While women have consistently earned the majority of advanced degrees, they remain underrepresented and underpaid in higher education leadership positions. The pandemic […]

Taking a Proactive Approach to Leading Change

In the current environment, change is no longer an infrequent ‘initiative’ that needs managing—it is all around us, it is constant, and it is not going away. But this does not mean that leaders should give up their autonomy: In too many cases, we experience change as happening to us (reactive stance) instead of proactively […]

Kristin Jones

Krissy leads the development and implementation of competency-based and performance-based programs. Over the past several years, she has led multiple programs through the research, design, development and implementation of various institutional programs, along with outside corporation and district partnerships at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Previously, Krissy was a curriculum and instruction coach for […]

Wendy Dittmann, Ed.D.

Wendy is responsible, with the advisement of the major program committee, for the curriculum of the management program at UW-Stout, and is charged with aiding students in meeting all requirements of the program. She is also a lecturer in the operations and management department on topics including online and interactive television delivery of courses. Wendy […]

Margie Bader

Margie completed a master’s in social service at Bryn Mawr School of Social Work and Social Research in Pennsylvania. She is a South African qualified counseling psychologist. Margie’s career spans more than twenty years in the fields of education and counseling at the university and college level, both in Johannesburg and Toronto. A highlight of […]