Ron Cohen

Ron is the founding partner of 2468 Appreciate, LLC, which provides consulting services to help nonprofit organizations thrive by maximizing the contributions of their constituents. Prior to that, Ron spent 32 years working for three small universities that secured over $350 million in gift and grant revenue from donors. He served as Vice President for […]

Ray Satterthwaite

Ray began his career at McGill University in Montreal as the director of alumni relations and annual giving of the 180,000 member alumni association. He then moved to Queen’s University in Kingston to serve as associate vice principal of advancement and chief development officer running a successful $262 million capital campaign. Ray has been involved […]

The Most Creative and Productive Ways to Engage Volunteers

Volunteers, we know, give ten times more than other philanthropic contributors. Yet, not all volunteer work automatically triggers greater giving. With one hour of volunteer time valued at an estimated $22.55, it is crucial your organization creates compelling volunteer opportunities that engage your constituents and inspire giving. The keys are to find work that: Creative […]

Colleen Ryan

Colleen Ryan is Associate Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs at Indiana University, where she collaboratively oversees tenure and promotion procedures, faculty leadership development, and programming for faculty success. She is Director of the Initiative for the Advancement of Women and Liaison to the Institute for Advanced Study’s mid-career mentorship program. Her current interests […]

Increasing Gift Processing Capacity by Moving to Paperless

Transitioning your gift processing to a centralized paperless process can increase your team’s capacity while also helping you assess the progress of each gift more quickly and evaluate your overall goals more accurately, saving your shop both time and money. However, getting campus stakeholders on-board to make this change requires a strategy that provides evidence of how a paperless approach to gift processing can be beneficial to your institution, as well as to your relationships with your donors. Join us to hear how the University of Utah recently made the move to a paperless process. You’ll […]

Taking a Proactive Approach to Leading Change

In the current environment, change is no longer an infrequent ‘initiative’ that needs managing—it is all around us, it is constant, and it is not going away. But this does not mean that leaders should give up their autonomy: In too many cases, we experience change as happening to us (reactive stance) instead of proactively […]

Laura Plummer

Laura Plummer directs the Scholarly Writing Program (SWP), under the auspices of the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs, at Indiana University. The SWP supports faculty as they write for publication, and by extension, for promotion and tenure; its goal is to retain faculty, particularly women and women of color, to promote and share […]

Lynn Chisholm, MS, CPM

As Director of Internships and Career Readiness, Lynn is responsible for the overall administration and supervision of the Office of Internships and Career Readiness to develop, support, and manage student career-relevant experiential learning opportunities and programming. This office collaborates with Employer Relations and the Office of Professional and Career Development to offer internship opportunities for […]