Starting a Women’s Leadership Mentoring Program

Co-Authored by Faculty and Staff at the University of IdahoVanessa Sielert, Professor and Director, Lionel Hampton School of MusicKatherine Himes, Director, McClure Center for Public Policy ResearchErin Chapman, Clinical Associate Professor, School of Family and Consumer SciencesKathryn Schiffelbein, Director of Diversity, Inclusion and Outreach, College of Engineering Starting a program of any type can be […]

Managing Difficult Colleagues

Difficult colleagues come in many forms: A colleague who hijacks a meeting by dominating the conversation A leader who is overly critical of others’ ideas A project team member who leaves the work for you or takes credit for your work Confronting these difficult colleagues can feel overwhelming. How will they react? Will they hold […]

Five Paths to Leadership℠ Self-Assessment Facilitation Certification Training 

Become a certified practitioner of the Five Paths to Leadership℠ Self-Assessment and bring your expertise to your institution to both support individual learners and facilitate workshops with your campus.  The Five Paths to Leadership℠ Self-Assessment is being used by thousands of faculty and staff in higher education across North America. The magic of the Five […]

Keys to a Successful Relationship Between Deans and Development Officers

Philanthropy is critical to helping institutions meet their academic missions, and at its core, it is all about building and maintaining relationships. Although fundraising is just one of the myriad responsibilities overseen by an academic dean, the development officer is a key partner in assisting the dean in achieving those fundraising goals. To find success […]

Identifying and Communicating the ROI of External Partnerships

External partners like local businesses or corporate sponsors can make a significant impact on your college or department’s financial management strategy and long-term sustainability. Partnerships can help you to create new revenue streams, promote cost savings, and/or provide resources and unique experiences for your students and faculty that your department or college may be lacking. […]

Nancy Fried Foster

Nancy Fried Foster is a design anthropologist who helps libraries, colleges, universities, and cultural institutions use ethnographic and participatory methods to understand their users and then design spaces, services, and technologies to meet their needs. Dr. Foster served for three years as Senior Anthropologist at Ithaka S+R and for ten years as director of anthropological […]

Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research for National Science Foundation Grants

As of July 2023, the National Science Foundation updated the responsible and ethical conduct of research (RECR) requirement for all faculty and personnel who will be supported by NSF grants. The requirements state that those supported by NSF grants have a responsibility to “generate and disseminate knowledge with rigor and integrity,” and “conduct peer review […]

Araceli Fleet

Araceli (Arci) is responsible for spatial reporting and accountability, as well as overseeing space management and optimization for the university. She works to provide effective solutions for greater space utilization, and she has been successful at partnering with other offices and departments on campus to successfully adopt new space policies that have increased their space […]

Misha Vernon

Hi there! I’m Misha, your friendly email marketing guru. By day, I’m crafting emails from Academic Impressions that make institutions and students alike do a happy dance. My mission? To spread the word on how Academic Impressions can transform your institution and boost student enrollment. Fun fact: I once set a goal to meet Sir […]