Reallocating Resources Across Academic Programs (Virtual Workshop)

The vexing combination of higher expenses, lower enrollments, and reduced operating capacity will force institutions to make significant cuts to academic programs this coming year. Whether to balance the budget or to free up resources for reinvestment, the challenge facing leaders is not whether to cut programs but how to do so responsibly and fairly. […]

Negotiating Successful Adjunct Union Collective Bargaining Agreements

Whether you are about to enter your first negotiation or are renegotiating a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) for your adjunct faculty, you need to have a defined plan as you enter talks. This webcast will share how to begin the bargaining process, best practices during your negotiations, and next steps as you enter negotiations on […]

How Early Alert and Student Success Initiatives Fail

Spoiler alert: The biggest killer of early alert programs is information flow problems. Here’s a model for approaching that flow differently. When Early Alert Programs Lack a Strong Underlying Framework of Data We look to these research-based best practices and bring program after program to our campuses to address the needs of specific high risk […]

Selecting a Vendor to Augment Your Student Success Efforts

As institutions increasingly use data and technology to drive decision-making, it is important to have ways to efficiently collect, store, and parse that data. But with so much information to store and manage, institutions often need good partners and solutions to aid in managing their data. Many institutions have therefore turned to working with outside […]

Focus on Student Belonging to Boost Student Retention and Success

You know that a sense of belonging is an important factor for student success and retention. But it is also difficult to measure. Because this conversation is so new, there are few models to follow. How do you start gathering data and using it to promote a greater sense of student belonging on campus? Join […]

Creating Intentional Programming to Support the Success of Men of Color

Approaches to retaining men of color are never single-pronged. Successful strategies might encompass academic skill development just as much as social-emotional development. The University of Central Florida’s Multicultural Academic and Support Services (MASS) initiative is especially notable as a retention strategy for men of color, because it tackles 5 different components of development – including […]

Integrate Academic and Career Resources to Improve Student Success

With growing numbers of commuter and non-traditional students who do not spend their free time on campus, it’s especially challenging to connect students to the services designed to help them succeed.  Cal State Fullerton is addressing this issue through its Student Success Team (SST) model, which embeds a group of faculty, academic advisors, student affairs, […]

Engaging Leadership Volunteers for Fundraising Success Webcast Recording

The value of volunteer leaders at your institution is undeniable, but how do you understand their motivations and preferences to ensure that the relationship is mutually beneficial? Here we will provide a strategy to help ensure that you are engaging and involving your boards and councils, campaign committees, and other volunteer leaders, in a way […]

Curricular Efficiency: Improving Academic Success and Degree Completion

Learn how understanding your institution or program’s curricular efficiency can inform decisions that improve overall academic success. During this webinar, you will learn how to: Challenge some assumptions of student success Analyze your curricular complexity from structural and instructional perspectives Align curricula with student support services Make decisions and discuss curriculum changes with faculty You […]

How Bay Path Boosted STEM Success for Underrepresented Women

Establishing a Center of Excellence for Women in STEM has improved academic success, engagement, and retention of underrepresented, low-income, and first-generation undergraduate women in Bay Path University’s STEM majors. Here’s what Bay Path did, and some lessons learned that may be key if you would like to undertake a similar initiative. by Gina Semprebon, PhD, […]