The Strategic Planning Implementation Clinic

Bogged down in implementing your strategic plan? Try this creative meeting design to get things moving. Successful execution of a strategic plan separates the excellent from the “pretty good.” Creating great “visions” and ennobling pictures of the future for a campus is not difficult. There are many smart, dedicated and hardworking faculty, staff and administrators throughout every […]

Dexter Bailey

Dexter A. Bailey Jr. is a fundraising executive with over 25 years of experience. During his career, he has been directly involved in raising over $1 billion while managing successful development and alumni relations programs at Stony Brook University, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, University of California at Berkeley, University of Washington, and Ohio University. Dexter is […]

David Reed

Dr. David Reed is the Associate Provost for Strategic Initiatives at the University of Florida. He has been a driving force in the university’s AI Initiative, which began when the University was gifted academia’s fastest AI supercomputer worth over $65M. Reed has led the university’s effort to expand AI throughout the university, including creating and […]

Dr. Nivine Megahed, Ph.D.

Dr. Megahed has worked in higher education for over twenty-five years. She has served as a faculty member, a dean, and a president. In addition, she has overseen the administration of operations of multiple campuses for a number of proprietary institutions. Dr. Megahed has demonstrated a track-record of success relative to institutional growth and development. […]

Four Leadership Practices for New or Aspiring Deans

Learn how you can develop and strengthen key leadership skills that will bolster your success as an academic dean. In this webcast, we’ll discuss how you can hone four essential practices, and you’ll leave with tips on how to navigate common leadership challenges for deans.

Civility in the Classroom: A Better Approach

More Articles for Faculty:How to Encourage Academic Grit and a Growth Mindset in Your StudentsOne Easy Way Faculty Can Improve Student Success Leading controversial discussions that develop communication skills is an enduring teaching challenge. Often a faculty member’s assumptions about what communication is inform their approach to these classroom activities. I want to contrast two approaches […]

Customizing Orientation for Transfer Students

An estimated 60 percent of college graduates will have attended more than one institution in the course of their undergraduate experience. With community college enrollment increasing nationwide, recruiting and retaining transfer students at four-year institutions has become a priority among university administrators. It is vital for administrators to work collaboratively across campus toward creating a […]

6 Things Executive Leaders Should Know about Attracting and Retaining Effective Academic Advisors

It’s nothing new. While 2022 has brought what is being termed “The Great Resignation,” advising administrators have been struggling to attract and retain qualified, effective advisors long before the COVID pandemic and its budgetary and emotional challenges. One of the most overused, under-applied mantras in higher education is, “students first.” It sounds great, but what […]