Navigating Higher Education Politics as Mid-Career Faculty: A Time for Discussion

As faculty move through the mid-career stage, they can face additional career hurdles and possibilities. Higher education feels more unstable than ever, with challenges from state legislatures to funding and tenure, struggles with student engagement and mental health, and greater numbers of faculty and staff leaving for jobs outside universities. Faculty who are able to […]

Building Your Career Network: The Relationships Every Faculty Member Needs to Nurture

Faculty know they need to actively develop their research, teaching, and service leadership. By contrast, networking is often seen as something that “just happens” or is an “added bonus” that is not essential to faculty success. Yet networking doesn’t just happen, and it is far more vital than many realize. Networking is more than talking […]

Using Mindfulness to Improve Overall Well-Being and Productivity: A Video Course for Faculty

Mindfulness is a key strategy in initiating our neuroplasticity—retraining our brains to see and experience more opportunities for empathy, curiosity, creativity, and inspired action. This video course will explore mindfulness from the perspective of a coach who works with academics on flourishing in their careers. Specifically, it will focus on the research-based mental resilience and […]

Strengthen Student Community Building in Digital Spaces

As you reflect on this fall and prepare for another partially or fully remote semester, you may have found some successful strategies that have helped students build community online and others that have fallen flat. As students return after an unorthodox fall term, it will be more important than ever to strengthen online community building. […]

Developing a Consistent and Productive Writing Practice (Webcast Recording)

Establishing a successful weekly writing practice can dramatically improve your productivity. However, there are lots of pitfalls that stand between faculty members and actually accomplishing their writing and productivity goals. Join Laura Plummer, Director of the Scholarly Writing Program at Indiana University, as she outlines ways to overcome these obstacles. Because productive writing depends on […]

Translating Your Student Development Services for Online Students (Webcast Recording)

As online student enrollment grows, it is critical to ensure that you are creating an engaging support environment. Current models in student affairs are primarily oriented around face-to-face, brick and mortar institutions and interactions. This webinar will give you the information you need to help you create a pathway to transition your most important student […]

Increasing the Odds for Non-Traditional Student Persistence and Completion Webcast Recording

Learn how two institutions improved their non-traditional student retention and completion rates using data. You will gain new insights for how you can: Create a program for students earning below a 2.0 their first semester Improve your use of analytics and outreach to boost completion rates Draft a unique intervention plan for non-traditional students This […]

Career Services Skill Building: Supporting International Students

There continues to be a growing number of international students enrolling at U.S. colleges and universities. As these students prepare to graduate and consider jobs in their home countries or abroad, they need extra support navigating the job-search process. We will discuss trends in working with international students, along with programming and resources to support […]

Online Orientation: Focusing on Student Learning

To accommodate increasing demands for flexibility from students, many institutions offer online orientations. However, not all online orientations are effective retention tools, and they may be inferior to in-person orientations. Is your online orientation interactive, assessment based, and conducive to learning? You can increase the effectiveness of your online orientation programs by implementing research-supported online […]

Green Programs for Residence Halls Webcast Recording

Sustainability initiatives continue to be a priority at almost all higher education institutions, yet one area of campus that is commonly overlooked is housing and residence life. Engaging students in the residence halls is a crucial component to a campus-wide sustainability strategy. Join us for a webcast that will outline the sustainability initiatives under way […]