Building Bridges: Using Different Levels of Seed Funding to Accelerate Interdisciplinary Research

Interdisciplinary research projects tend to be more competitive for external funding and hold potential for high-impact results, but fostering these research projects can be rather challenging, especially in a resource-constrained environment. One way to advance interdisciplinary research is to use seed funding mechanisms, smaller scale appropriations intended to make research projects more competitive before attempting […]

Branding Your Career Services Department (Webcast Recording)

Learn to use an intentional branding effort to effectively communicate the creative and effective work of your career services office. During this training you will hear how the University of Miami’s Toppel Career Center successfully branded themselves and will take away five strategies for developing and articulating your own brand. Through effective branding, you can […]

Capitalizing on the Dream and Design Phases of Appreciative Advising Webcast Recording

While many advisors are working to implement the Appreciative Advising® model on campus, the Dream and Design phases often fall short. Though it may be difficult to easily measure outcomes within the Dream phase, it directly informs the Design phase of the model. Learn how to facilitate the Dream phase of Appreciative Advising to better […]

Improving Career Services with Data Webcast Recording

Learn how you can update your career services reporting strategy with existing resources. You will be provided ideas and resources to help ensure that you are collecting the right data to better analyze your office’s performance. Obtain tips for how to better identify, track, and analyze metrics in order to: Harness the power of analytics […]

Four Essential Counseling Skills for Entry-Level Student Affairs Professionals

Recognizing students who are in crisis or who are exhibiting mental health concerns is one thing; being comfortable assisting these students with the skills you possess in this area is another. We will explore these skills as well as those needed to properly work with current social justice issues presented in higher ed today. Join […]

Tracking Spending to Minimize Research Grant Audit Risk

Federal agencies are increasing staff and planning to conduct more audits on federal research money for grants and contracts in 2016. This webcast will show you how to apply data analytics to proactively manage and monitor your research compliance efforts. You will leave with a better means for reviewing costs that may be red flags […]

Dr. Elizabeth Boretz

Dr. Elizabeth Boretz entered Student Affairs as Founding Director of what came to be the Calvin E. Bright Success Center at the University of California-Merced after an eleven-year career as tenured faculty in the field of Spanish. She discovered the world of learning support early in her faculty career and went on to earn her […]

Barrington Price

Dr. Barrington Price is originally from Rochester NY and found his way to Chicago by enrolling at his alma mater, North Park University. There, Barrington graduated with a BS in Psychology and went on to pursue graduate work in clinical Psychology. His passion for Higher education was fueled during his one of his clinical rotations […]

Reflections From 14 Years as a Department Chair

By Gordon E. Harvey, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor & Department Chair,Jacksonville State University Thinking about becoming a department chair? Here’s what I wish someone had told me when I started. As a junior faculty member, I envisioned a life of teaching and writing, but never one of supervision and leadership. To be sure, I still teach […]

Annie Munson, PhD

“I am here to ‘hold up a mirror’ to help you see yourself, your potential, and your future more clearly”  Annie started out her career with the goal of becoming the next Barbara Walters. However, the twists and turns of her career path guided Annie from Television news to public relations, then to software training, […]