Navigating Parenthood While Thriving as an Academic 

FREE WEBCAST Navigating Parenthood While Thriving as an Academic Recorded on October 26th, 2023 Identify strategies to integrate your roles as parents and academics. For too many academics, whether and when to start a family, and how to balance parenthood as a full-time academic, remain challenging questions often rooted in either/or thinking: that you can […]

4 Key Components of the Stepped Care 2.0 Model in Higher Ed

Giving every student an assessment and 50-minute counseling session is no longer sustainable given the high volume of students needing mental health services. You are likely looking for new ways of delivering quality care to meet your students’ needs and manage your resources. Join us online to learn how the Stepped Care 2.0 Model may […]

Discovering and Acting on Your Students’ Post-Pandemic Online Preferences: An Update

Introduction Like a great many other institutions, we emerged from the pandemic knowing that the disruptions of the last few years would inevitably lead to changes in the preferences and desires of our student population around the educational model and how education gets delivered. We also knew that, to remain successful and competitive as an […]

Adjusting Housing and Dining Operations for the Fall: Ideas from Your Peers

Every campus with plans to re-open in the fall is scrambling to adjust campus housing and dining services – but often, we are moving so fast and feeling so isolated that we lose the opportunity to compare notes and brainstorm solutions with our peers, or to learn from what other institutions are trying. That’s why […]

The First Critical Outreach Point in Intrusive/Proactive Advising

Gain strategies to engage and direct at-risk students on a path to success. The “intrusive,” or proactive, advising model helps advisors anticipate students’ needs and connect students to appropriate resources and support early in their academic careers. While intrusive advising can prove to be a complex and involved process, there are three major outreach points […]

Training Peer Mentors for First-Year Students: What’s Missing

Peer educators can serve as an effective front line in the student development and academic success of first-year students, and employing peer mentors (either as employees or as volunteers) can save on costs. Yet many institutions provide only the most cursory training and orientation for their peer mentors. This week, we turned to Sarah Whitley, […]

Four Tips for Helping Students Graduate on Time

NPR’s Talk of the Nation interviewed a series of academic leaders and experts in academic advising to examine why many students find barriers to graduation within four years. At Academic Impressions, we decided to follow up with some practical advice for where institutions can see significant gains in helping students graduate earlier. Of the following four […]

Reimagining the Faculty Mid-Career Stage: Reenergize Your Research and Find New Pathways

The mid-career stage for faculty is often characterized as a time of stagnation, burnout, and lack of clarity. Getting to this point has likely taken significant effort and you may no longer benefit from institutionally sponsored support, all while having new service and leadership responsibilities become part of your workload. Despite these challenges, the mid-career […]

Crafting Your Mid-Career and Beyond as Faculty

The mid-career years – often characterized by being at the associate professor level – can be both the most rewarding and the most challenging time in a faculty member’s career. Once you reach the mid-career phase, not only does institutional support and guidance around career advancement tend to decrease, but your pathway forward can seem […]

Simplifying the NSF Grant Proposal Process and Setting Yourself up for Success 

Join us for a virtual training that will answer your most pressing questions about the National Science Foundation (NSF) grant process, a funding source that contributes over $8 billion annually to scientific research. By learning how to navigate the application process, you can ensure that, along with the intellectual merit of your work, you’ve done […]