Hiring and Onboarding Diverse Talent: Where are the Gaps?

Recruiting and retaining diverse faculty and staff talent must be a key priority for colleges and universities. However, hiring diverse and high-performing talent can be challenging due to limited resources, perspective, and commitment. To dig deeper into some of the challenges, we reached out to a panel of three experts: We asked each panelist to […]

Student Affairs Fundraising: Building a
Sustainable Structure

Many student affairs leaders have executed small fundraising efforts; very few have a strategic plan to gain support that can sustain or grow critical initiatives. Join us online to explore a proven model for developing a systematized fundraising operation for your student affairs division. You will leave with considerations for: Identifying fundraising priorities Structuring your […]

Foundations of Auditing Endowed Funds

Knowing and communicating the financial health of your endowed funds will show your donors that their gift remains in good hands, which increases the potential for further giving. Now is the perfect time to review your endowed funds to ensure they remain: Legal: In compliance with rules and regulations Possible: To be rewarded according to fund criteria […]

Sue Doe

Professor Doe teaches courses in composition, autoethnographic theory and method, research methods, and graduate student preparation for writing in the disciplines. She does research in three distinct areas: academic labor, writing across the curriculum, and student-veteran writing in the post-9/11 era. Co-author of the faculty development book Concepts and Choices: Meeting the Challenges in Higher Education, […]

4 Common Misperceptions about EIT Compliance

Many institutions are not fully aware of the compliance expectations for their electronic and information technology (EIT) and often fail to meet accessibility requirements which can result in costly lawsuits and pesky OCR audits. EIT compliance is complex, yet manageable, and institutions have a duty to comply with the most recent OCR guidelines laid out […]

Partnering with Faculty in Grateful Patient Fundraising: Elements of a Training Guide

Faculty and development professionals must share a commitment to philanthropy in order for a grateful patient fundraising (GPFR) program to be successful. Building trust, respect, and rapport is best accomplished through a strategic process that involves educating and training medical faculty partners. When your medical faculty understands the “why,” the “how,” and the “what” of […]

Brian Raison, PhD

Brian merges his 20+ years in higher education with 12 years working in local government and private industry to create intersections where students can discover theory meeting practice. His teaching and research focus extensively on leadership (coaching, mentoring, professional development), strategic alignment (organizational level), and capacity building. He’s passionate about improving engagement to effect positive […]

The Best and Worst Annual Fund Strategies

YOUR ANNUAL FUND THIS YEARFollow Jim Langley’s advice on what makes for the best and worst annual fund strategies to ensure this is a successful year for your annual giving operation. The 2 Worst Annual Fund Strategies Using the annual fund to balance the annual operating budget.Donors give much, much more in the name of philanthropy than […]

Navigating a virtual provost search during the pandemic

The below piece tells the story of Cal State Fullerton’s experience conducting a provost search virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic. The story is written from two perspectives: the first from the institution’s Vice President of Human Resources, Diversity, and Inclusion and Search Committee Chair; and the second from the now sitting provost. By sharing their […]

Focused Learning Plans

Use Our Learning Plans to Combat Burnout and Gain New Skills Become a member to gain access to all learning plan resources. Start our member favorite learning paths for a deeper dive into current challenges around workplace culture and communication. Become a member to get full access to these plans. We will also work to […]