Improving Student Success Can’t Be a One-Office Effort

Managing the Whole Student Life CyclePaul Marthers is the author of Managing the Whole Student Life Cycle: A Handbook for Higher Ed. Make retention a whole-campus initiative in more than just name. From matriculation to graduation, walk through how to coordinate across enrollment management, student affairs, and academic affairs to create conditions and programs that […]

Predicting Student Success: When SAT and GPA Are Not Enough

Historical efforts by admissions officers and enrollment managers to assess a student’s potential for high academic performance and academic persistence have focused on cognitive potential, measured most frequently by past academic performance (high school GPA) and standardized test scores (SAT, ACT). Yet there is a growing awareness among enrollment managers (driven and confirmed by the […]

Supervising Multigenerational Teams: Building Understanding to Support Success

Your team may have up to five generations working together, a phenomenon that is unique to our time in history. This generational diversity makes our teams stronger and more ready to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse student population. To leverage the full strength that comes from this generational diversity, however, supervisors must first […]

Have It Your Way (or Not): Customer Service Across Generations

A college community has perhaps the most generationally diverse members of any organization. From Baby Boomers and Generation X to Millennials and Gen Z, today’s students and employees alike co-navigate university systems with vastly different expectations of how they like to be treated as customers. These varying preferences have great impact on the campus culture […]

Integrating Effective Mentorship into Campus Culture: A Success Story

Whether you’re looking to start a student mentoring program or are already running a successful one, you’re likely hoping to reach as many students as possible. Wake Forest University is expanding its reach by providing guidance, training, and resources for mentoring relationships through a central office. The Mentoring Resource Center empowers faculty, staff, alumni, and […]

Student Mental Health: A Discussion for Student Success Leaders

FREE WEBCAST Student Mental Health: A Discussion for Student Success Leaders Live Webcast: June 10, 2022 | 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET Learn how others are adapting their strategies and services to respond to the student mental health crisis. Although institutions had already struggled to address the student mental health crisis before the COVID-19 pandemic, […]

Bringing One-Stop Services to Students Across Campus

With a mission to serve students, one-stop centers and staff are continuously looking for ways to improve customer service. New service initiatives are often limited by physical space and budget restrictions. Fortunately, using readily available technology and simple steps, you can increase accessibility and reduce wait times by deploying service staff across your campus. Join […]

Returning Adults: Four Keys to Academic Success and Retention

According to a recent report by the Workforce Strategy Center, by 2018, two-thirds of the jobs in the US economy will require a postsecondary credential, yet 80 million to 90 million adult workers have low basic skills and are not qualified for those jobs. These data suggest that over the next decade, colleges and universities […]

Five Paths to Leadership℠ Assessment & Results Debrief Session

MEMBER EXCLUSIVE Five Paths to Leadership℠ Assessment & Results Debrief Session   September 29, 2023 | October 27, 2023 Learn more about your self-assessment results, what they mean, and the styles of each path — Critical Thinker, Relator, Visionary, Warrior, and Sage. Step 1: Take The Assessment TAKE THE ASSESSMENT Step 2: Receive Your Results […]

Student Philanthropy Programs that Encourage Alumni Giving: A Success Story

To consistently engage students and compel them to give back, you must offer student philanthropy programming that builds — helping students progress in their philanthropic education. “One and done” is not enough. Join us online to learn how a professional school is managing to build affinity and impressive patterns of giving through a 2-week student […]