Michael Kabbaz

In his role as Senior Vice President, Kabbaz serves as the University’s first chief enrollment and retention officer and a member of the President’s Executive Cabinet and Council of Academic Deans. Kabbaz provides leadership to the Offices of Admission, Bursar, Career Center, Enrollment Communication and Marketing, Enrollment Operations, One Stop Services, Enrollment Research and Analytics, […]

Bridging the Gap Between Advancement and Academic Research: The 3 “C” Strategy

A SERIES ON INNOVATIONS IN FUNDING ACADEMIC RESEARCH We hope you will join us for this innovative series: The “3C” Strategy for More Effective Fundraising Advancement and research offices can optimize their strategies to compete successfully for external funds by utilizing the “3C” approach. The “3C” approach is: Strategies for Enhanced Communication Over several decades, […]

Special Edition: Making a Difference with International Students – The Resources You Need

According to the Open Doors report on international education, international student enrollment has increased every year for the past 60 years. With this trend expected to continue, and international students becoming an increasingly important constituent group, it’s critical for institutions to take a more holistic view at how they’re meeting these students’ needs now and […]

Training Faculty: Helping International Students Properly Cite Sources

International students studying in North America are often criticized for excessive plagiarism, with faculty wringing their hands in frustration. There are a number of legitimate reasons why students may be unable to properly cite sources in their writing. Faculty need to understand international students’ confusion, and institutions must support faculty with effective training and policy […]

Advising: Meeting Student Needs?

Several months ago, the Chronicle featured an article on advising focused on the work of Dr. Ned Laff, who detailed the importance of broad-based advising and the gaps between what today’s students need and what they frequently receive. Drawing upon an advising career at multiple colleges, Laff focused his comments on the disconnect between advising […]

Engaging the Board in the Campaign

Too often, board involvement in the campaign is limited to what are essentially tactical assignments — making the ask to their contacts, raising certain quantities. What’s missed in these cases are opportunities to engage the board in what board members do best — big-picture thinking, advocacy, and getting key messages out to the community. Jim Langley, founder and […]

The Department Chair as Talent Manager: A Discussion Series 

The Department Chair as Talent Manager: A Discussion Series   Recorded on October 24, 2023 | Recorded on November 8, 2023 | Recorded on December 13, 2023 | Recorded on February 5, 2024 | Recorded on February 14, 2024 | Recorded on March 11, 2024 | Recorded on April 29, 2024 | Recorded on May […]

Lisa Scott, , Ph.D.

Lisa Scott currently serves as the Vice President of Institutional Equity & Inclusion and Student Success at Luther College. Previous to Luther College, she held a variety of positions at Susquehanna University including vice president for student success and engagement, assistant provost for retention, assistant to the president and chief diversity officer. Lisa has also […]

Summer Bridge: Building and Measuring
Campus Connection

Students who are provisionally admitted to college or otherwise considered “at-risk” often face unique academic, social, or emotional challenges during their transition. Summer bridge programs aim to address these transitional issues through support and remediation. The challenge is knowing which elements to prioritize and what works at your institution. Are you doing enough to create […]

Improving First-Year Student Experience Programs for At-Risk Students

First-Year Student Experience (FYSE) programs have been identified as a high-impact practice for increasing student persistence and success. Yet, many student populations remain at risk for attrition because they aren’t getting connected to critical resources when and how they need them most. Are your FYSE programs doing everything they can to strategically support at-risk students […]