Annie Bélanger

In Annie’s role, she provides executive leadership and oversight for information resources development and retention as well as for information services, instruction, and liaison services. She has been deeply engaged in moving the library’s collections into a Collection Lifecycle Management Framework and a stronger culture of collection assessment. Annie has worked in a variety of […]

A Toolkit to Reengaging and Reconnecting with Students Post-COVID

As institutions have moved back to in-person or hybrid operations from a largely virtual COVID-19 response, student engagement and disconnection is at an all-time high. While the beginning of this trend predated the pandemic, it has now been compounded by increasing enrollment and retention challenges in the aftermath. We know that students who do not […]

Build Critical Thinking through Project-Based Learning

A recent Inside Higher Ed survey highlights that 97% of provosts believe their institutions effectively prepare students for the workforce.  However, AAC&U reports far fewer employers agree. In fact, only 26% of employers give high marks to recent graduates’ ability to think critically. To bridge this gap, institutions must begin integrating an approach that forces students to […]

Navigating the Challenges of Faculty Retirement Incentives

REVIEWING FACULTY RETIREMENT INCENTIVES This article briefly reports the results of an informal poll of academic deans and offers expert advice from Jennifer Faust, a former associate vice president for academic affairs who has extensive experience in faculty affairs administration, including strategic planning, labor relations and grievance handling, faculty policy, faculty and department chair training […]

John Lynch

John Lynch is an area director in the Office of Residence Life & Housing at Emory University. In this role, John supervises the Second Year at Emory (SYE) program and coordinates the assessment activities for the department. John has given a number of national and regional conference presentations on assessment; second-year students; and lesbian, gay, […]

Privilege and Its Role in Enhancing Equity

All of us enjoy privilege on some level, which means that all of us have an opportunity to use our privilege in support of those who experience marginalization. But how does one establish credibility and acceptance as an ally when there are so many opportunities to get it wrong? This training aims to remove the […]

Lisa Scott, , Ph.D.

Lisa Scott currently serves as the Vice President of Institutional Equity & Inclusion and Student Success at Luther College. Previous to Luther College, she held a variety of positions at Susquehanna University including vice president for student success and engagement, assistant provost for retention, assistant to the president and chief diversity officer. Lisa has also […]

Recruit & Retain Diverse Faculty through Cluster Hiring and Mutual Mentorship

Many institutions have expressed a commitment to addressing social inequity in its multiple forms as part of their strategic plans. One way this commitment is being implemented at many colleges and universities is through efforts to recruit and retain a more diverse faculty. Cluster hiring is one powerful strategy that can help with these efforts. But […]

Brandon Nichols

Dr. Brandon Nichols is the Lead Consultant at 3B Nichols Consulting, LLC. His work at 3B consist individual or group consulting focusing on diversity and inclusion, postsecondary education, and wellness. Moreover, Nichols has over 15 years of experience in higher education. His role in higher education currently supports senior leadership in the following areas: Regional […]

John Hoffman

Dr. Hoffman coordinates the Student Development in Higher Education program at California State University and also teaches in the Ph.D. program in education. He has presented on learning and assessment in the co-curriculum at several local and national conferences. Before transitioning to the classroom, he spent more than 10 years working in administrative roles in […]