Christopher Romano

Christopher leads the Division of Enrollment Management, including the offices of admissions, advising and first-year experience, career services, financial aid, marketing and web administration, athletics, residence life, the Educational Opportunity Fund, public safety, and the division of student affairs. Christopher chairs the Strategic Enrollment Management Planning Committee. He serves as a member of the president’s […]

One President’s Advice: Focus on Student Affairs

Recently, we had the chance to chat with Karen Whitney, president of Clarion University, about the future of student affairs – you can read the full interview in our article “Student Affairs: Trends to Watch in 2017-19.” As a past student affairs administrator, Karen Whitney brings a unique perspective both to the presidency (you can […]

Metrics for Corporate Engagement: Evaluate Impact, Not Quantity

Multiple offices on a campus may establish corporate partnerships, which can make the issue of metrics for corporate engagement a complicated one. For example, the engineering school might track metrics of a company that partners with them to offer student internships and recruiting opportunities. But if that same company also funds research through that institution’s […]

Recognizing and Celebrating Faculty and Staff:  A Panel Conversation

Faculty and staff morale is at an all-time low across most institutions in higher education, and this puts your department or unit at risk of increasing levels of burnout, decreased productivity and, ultimately, higher turnover. One way you can start to make a difference is by fostering a work environment where praise, appreciation, and gratitude […]

Nancy Cervasio

Nancy has over 20 years of successful achievement in growing and transforming higher education. She has proven ability in operational leadership and building solutions with a focus on student experience and student retention, beginning with the on-boarding experience through graduation. She has served in the student services, enrollment, admissions and operations verticals in Executive Leadership […]

Dwight Burke

As the director of support and safety assessment at Colorado State University, Dwight coordinates systems to address people who become a threat to the welfare and safety of others and the institution. Part of this process involves coordinating two teams that focus on support needs and threat assessment for students and employees. Prior to his […]

A Toolkit to Reengaging and Reconnecting with Students Post-COVID

As institutions have moved back to in-person or hybrid operations from a largely virtual COVID-19 response, student engagement and disconnection is at an all-time high. While the beginning of this trend predated the pandemic, it has now been compounded by increasing enrollment and retention challenges in the aftermath. We know that students who do not […]

Build Critical Thinking through Project-Based Learning

A recent Inside Higher Ed survey highlights that 97% of provosts believe their institutions effectively prepare students for the workforce.  However, AAC&U reports far fewer employers agree. In fact, only 26% of employers give high marks to recent graduates’ ability to think critically. To bridge this gap, institutions must begin integrating an approach that forces students to […]

Adapt Your In-Person Peer Mentor Program for a Virtual Environment

We know that one of the challenges of student retention and success in today’s socially distant and remote environment is how to foster student engagement while keeping students safe. Our research participants unanimously agreed that peer mentor programs are more important than ever—but there are major challenges to making them work. Though peer mentor programs […]