
Engaging International Alumni

With the balance of wealth shifting overseas — and with more colleges and universities increasing their international enrollment — international fundraising is likely to play an increasingly larger role in development at North American institutions. To learn how institutions can get started in such an effort, we interviewed Gretchen Dobson, the past senior associate director […]

Tips for Establishing Paid Peer Mentor Positions

The 2009 Peer Leadership Survey sponsored by the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition found that 65 percent of peer mentor positions receive some financial compensation. Today, the nature of the compensation (paid/unpaid, type of pay, and expectations for the position) varies widely between institutions and often varies widely even […]

Four Tips for Training Annual Fund Phonathon Callers

Despite how critical the phonathon can be to the annual fund, student callers are often given minimum training — or training that doesn’t set them up well to succeed in soliciting donor support for the institution. To learn some tips from past and present managers of highly effective phonathon programs, we turned this week to […]

An Innovative Model for Adult Student Orientation

Adult students have different experiences, expectations, and educational goals than traditional-age students, and they approach their transition to college with different questions and challenges. As nontraditional and working students occupy an ever larger percentage of the student demographic, adult student retention is rapidly becoming a priority at many postsecondary institutions. To gather a few tips […]

Using Performance Measures to Drive Faculty and Staff Development

When performance metrics are developed in collaboration with staff and treated as a basis for incentivizing and rewarding superior performance, this entails a rethinking of the role and process of supervision. Check-ins between managers and staff, or between department chairs and faculty, can become a structured dialogue centered on the key performance measures and the […]

Rollout and Buy-in: Handling the Transition to More Effective Staff Metrics

Few changes offer as much opportunity for resistance and tension within a unit as changes to the method of evaluating performance. It’s critical that not only the decisions around identifying the key metrics themselves but also the decision-making process, communication of the decisions made, and the steps for rolling out the new system are equally […]

Rubrics to Measure Satisfactory and Superior Performance

Once you have identified and weighted those activities that have the greatest impact on your department’s ability to meet its operational objectives, the next step is to determine what evidence would be sufficient to determine if these activities have truly been carried out in a satisfactory, superior, or less-than-satisfactory manner. This is true whether you […]

Defining What Activities Are Truly Critical

Staff metrics and evaluation can be used to incentivize both superior staff performance (by giving managers the rationale and flexibility to reward high performers) and meaningful progress toward the strategic goals of your unit –- if you approach staff metrics in a thoughtful, credible way. This entails: Defining what activities are truly critical to measure […]

Deploying Intentional Staff Performance Metrics in Higher Education

Included in this Report: Establishing a culture of performance at colleges and universities is rapidly becoming a necessity as increased competition and an unsustainable cost structure drives institutions to rethink how they do business. To remain competitive and respond to increased calls for accountability, institutions need to grapple with the critical question of how best […]

Three Tips for Supporting Veteran Students

NEED A MORE ADVANCED APPROACH? If your institution is in the earliest stages of investigating how to better assist this student population in the college transition, this February 23, 2012 article (below) will help you with: Some initial practical steps that you can undertake with minimal resources Advice for phasing your effort from a very […]