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Browse our resources designed to help you start learning and making the most of your membership.
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Member Onboarding Video Course

Through membership, you now have access to thousands of hours of professional and leadership development resources, right at your fingertips. There is a lot of content and we know it can be overwhelming to navigate! To help you get started, your Account Managers have created a video course that will cover:
- Navigating the Website
- What is Covered in Membership and What is Not
- How to Register for Events and Access Resources
Start Your Learning Journey Here

Five Paths to Leadership℠ Self-Assessment
The Five Paths to Leadership℠ Self-Assessment will help you understand ways of achieving greater balance among five intuitive styles of leadership so that you can improve your overall effectiveness. Uniquely, the tool also provides valuable insights into how your leadership changes under stress. Once you complete the assessment and have your results, you'll want to join one of our monthly Five Paths to Leadership℠ live debrief sessions to gain a better understanding of your leadership styles.

Mastering Time Management: An 8-Day Practical Program
Take charge of your priorities and purpose. Join our program to receive bite-sized lessons for 8-days that will help you lose your "to-do" lists and focus on your most meaningful work instead. New cohort starts on Monday.

Is It a Microaggression?
The authors of Fix Your Climate, two leading experts on hierarchical microaggressions, discuss how microaggressions operate within an academic workplace and offer a few quick tips for identifying and reducing them.

Higher Education in America: A 4-Day Foundational Course
This course is designed to give you a broad overview of the American higher education landscape. This course will be highly beneficial to anyone who is new to higher education, either in a first professional role or who is transitioning to higher education from another industry. Additionally, faculty or staff whose experience in higher ed has been narrowly focused will gain knowledge of the overall landscape of American higher ed and how their institution fits into that.

Supervision Certificate Program: A 4-Week Program
All too often in higher education, individuals move into a supervisory role without the necessary tools and skills to be successful. Learn effective strategies for supervision and gain practical tools to support your team in just 4 weeks. If you are new to your role or want to hone your existing supervisory skills and approaches, this course is for you.
How Can I Engage/Partner with Academic Impressions
Get in Touch With Us
Contact your partner success manager for help.

Ryan Coleman
Partner Success Manager

Terry Coleman
Partner Success Manager

Yianna Kappas
Partner Success Manager

Breanne Holloway
Partner Success Manager

Roshaon Tytar
Director of Partner Success

Niecie Washington
Associate Director of Partner Success