Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

The Key to a Chair’s Success: Situational Awareness of Your Department

Last updated May 10, 2023

Course Length

1h 46m

Last Updated

May 10, 2023

The Key to a Chair’s Success: Situational Awareness of Your Department

Last updated May 10, 2023

Inform your leadership choices by developing a greater understanding of what is happening in your department and why. Join our program to receive bite-sized content for 3 weeks.


This course is designed for any/all department chairs who want to develop a greater awareness and understanding of their department and its strategic position within their institution. You’ll be introduced to a four-step process called an environmental scan, which allows you to systematically research and assess your department’s history, trends, and strategic position—all of which influence the way others view and engage with you and your department. You’ll further explore how your environmental scan can help you to make better decisions, make a case, communicate effectively with your stakeholders, leverage institutional collaborations, and empower others throughout your department.

Who should attend?

This course is designed for any/all department chairs who want to develop a greater awareness and understanding of their department and its strategic position within their institution. This course will be helpful for new chairs because it will help orient them to the environment in which chairs have to work and help them chart a path forward that sets them up for success. This video is equally valuable to experienced chairs who want to maximize their effectiveness.


For three weeks, you will get weekly emails on Monday, which introduce a new lesson. Each lesson will include bite-sized videos that you can complete throughout the week. Videos will be 15 minutes or less each day. There are also complementary worksheets you can begin working on, which will help you reflect on and practice the concepts presented during the videos. If you complete all lessons within three weeks, you will have the chance to request a certificate. New cohorts start every Monday.

Don’t miss the opportunity to integrate professional development into your daily routine and establish a solid understanding of what effective leadership looks like for department chairs.

A new cohort starts every Monday.


Week 1 – The Importance of Assessing Your Field of Operations

Day 1 | 10 minutes

Watch: Introduction



Day 2 | 20 minutes

Watch: Understanding Your Field of Operations

Complete: Worksheet 1



Day 3 | 30 minutes

Watch: Understanding Your Organizational Structure

Complete: Worksheet 2



Day 4 | 20 minutes

Watch: Embracing Your Positional Power

Complete: Worksheet 3



Week 2 – Conducting an Environmental Scan

Day 5 | 20 minutes

Watch: Step 1: Goal Setting

Begin working on Worksheet 4. This worksheet is designed to be a living document. As you work through your environmental scan, update it as needed.



Day 6 | 30 minutes

Watch: Step 2: Interview Your Actors

Begin working on Worksheet 5. This worksheet is designed to be a living document. As you work through your environmental scan, update it as needed.



Day 7 | 30 minutes

Watch: Step 3: Acquire Data

Begin working on Worksheet 6. This worksheet is designed to be a living document. As you work through your environmental scan, update it as needed.



Day 8 | 30 minutes

Watch: Step 4: Assess Your Department’s Strategic Position

Begin working on Worksheet 7. This worksheet is designed to be a living document. As you work through your environmental scan, update it as needed.



Day 9 | 30 minutes

Take Action: If you haven’t already done so, reach out to one of the actors you identified in Step 2 and invite them to an interview.

Continue to work on Worksheets 4 – 7 by doing some research about your department’s history and strategic position.



Week 3 – Using Your Environmental Scan

Day 10 | 30 minutes

Watch: Decision Making

Begin working on Worksheet 8.



Day 11 | 20 minutes

Watch: Making a Case

Begin working on Worksheet 9.



Day 12 | 30 minutes

Watch: Communication

Begin working on Worksheet 10.



Day 13 | 20 minutes

Watch: Institutional Collaborations

Begin working on Worksheet 11.



Day 14 | 30 minutes

Watch: Empowering Others and Closing Thoughts

Begin working on Worksheet 12 and Worksheet 13.


Course Highlights

  • 1 hour 45 minutes of video instruction
  • 14 short videos (each video no longer than 15 minutes)
  • 1 workbook complete with 13 worksheets to reflect on and practice the skills learned in each video
  • Valued at $595. Free for Members.

The Key to a Chair’s Success program?

Please fill out this form to request a certificate.