Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

All 5 Volumes: Jim Langley’s Fundraising Guides for University Leaders

Create the conditions for sustained fundraising success on your campus.

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This set includes five thought-provoking and practical fundraising guides for university leaders:

Securing your institution’s financial future isn’t just about raising more dollars — it’s about creating the conditions that foster continued and increased support.

These five books invite you to rethink how your president, board members, academic deans, and other key stakeholders support the work of fundraising and donor relationship building. Learn practical strategies for involving these key stakeholders at every stage of the donor lifecycle and during each phase of a modern comprehensive campaign. Additionally, discover how to organize your advancement operation for sustained success, rather than repeating old behaviors and strategies that promise diminishing returns.


“This is is a treasure trove of great advice, forward-thinking reflections, and the tough, but much needed questions that presidents, boards, vice presidents and deans need to ask one another before embarking on a fundraising campaign. Jim Langley is a thought leader who understands not just the history of philanthropy and advancement but shines a light on where universities need to begin altering practices to thrive in this era of competing philanthropic interests.”
Matthew T. Lambert, Vice President for University Advancement, William & Mary

“Jim Langley has done it again. In this, his fourth book, Jim writes with the same clear and elegant prose readers have come to know and appreciate. The gift of this work, though, is in the content delivered–the ideas, the strategies, and the practices worthy of employment in what has become a new and challenging season for advancement professionals. While some may write solely in abstractions, and others may communicate purely the most practical of steps for advancement work, this work lives equally well in both realms. Jim Langley grounds his counsel in the overarching themes of appreciation, affiliation, agency and accountability, and then guides the reader through the most practical, yet nuanced, steps for conducting a comprehensive fundraising campaign. Anyone in advancement work, whether seasoned or novice, will benefit greatly from this book. For our team, it will be a must-read.”
Scott McQuilkin, VP for Institutional Advancement, Whitworth University