Ron Brown, Ph.D
Leadership Coach
I empower clients to manage and lead with conviction, achieve success, and change reality within their existing cultures.
Ron is a university administrator and executive coach with over 4 decades of experience in higher education that includes two decades of administrative experience at major universities. A core component of his approach to coaching is assisting his clients in understanding the systems in which they are employed and negotiating such systems to accomplish their career goals. In his coaching approach, Ron frequently uses evidenced-based approaches from clinical psychology and behavior management. He frequently employs humor in his work with clients while managing to teach clients within a strategic framework to build productive and supportive relationships in the work setting.
Ron has a great deal of experience in working with faculty, Program Directors, Chairs, Deans and Vice-Presidents within the University setting. Over the years, he has mentored countless administrators so that they have been able to ascend the academic career ladder. Ron’s careful blend of evidenced-based clinical approaches coupled with an emphasis on life balance with family and the work setting have made him a successful mentor of many individuals who have gone on to have impressive, productive and prestigious careers.
Ron received his baccalaureate degree from Emory University and his doctoral degree from Georgia State University. He also has received training at the Harvard Institutes for Leadership training for Presidents, Senior Level Administrators and in the area of crisis management. Ron has served as a President, Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs and a Dean at two research universities. He also has served on numerous national committees and task forces including a recent appointment to the Board of Scientific Affairs of the American Psychological Association, Task Force on Promotion and Tenure Guidelines for Minority faculty. He has served as the President of the Society of Pediatric Psychology of the American Psychological Association and the Association of Psychologists of Academic Health Centers.