Steve has worked with more than 100 higher-education institutions, bridging the perspectives of faculty, administrators, trustees, and other stakeholders. He leads engagements with colleges and universities to assess current academic programs and identify new ones, evaluate potential new geographic markets and campus locations, improve curricular efficiency, and address other strategic, enrollment, and financial challenges. He […]
As vice president, Gerald is responsible for managing and leading Etown’s financial and planning operations. He oversees the university’s finance, human resources, public safety, and risk management. Gerald serves as ETown’s chief financial officer and as a member of the President’s Senior Leadership Team.
Tom has pursued a path of lifelong learning and combines a career as both an executive and a student. As the first Director of Human Resource Planning and Development for the Fortune 500 company, Dennison Manufacturing, Inc. and Founder of NuCedar Mills, Inc., Dr. Loper has had an impressive career in the areas of Human […]
In his current role at Gray Associates, Andy provides financial management to the company and contributes to projects in program economics for its clients. Prior to working at Gray, Andy was Director, Strategic Financial Planning and Analysis, with Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor. He oversaw Concordia’s budget process and developed an integrated approach to […]
Dr. Botham’s passion for writing proposals was ignited as a graduate student while writing an AHA fellowship. She now directs the Stanford Biosciences Grant Writing Academy, which was based on her successful Tackling Your K course (70% success rate for career development awards!). In 2016, the Grant Writing Academy was honored with an Innovations in […]
Audra J. Kahr serves at the Executive Vice President, Finance and Administration at Lafayette College. She is the chief financial, business, and administrative officer of the College and provides guidance and leadership to ensure the efficient and effective stewardship of the College’s physical and financial resources. She oversees all finance functions including budgeting, accounting, financial […]
Darrin Hicks is a Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Denver. Darrin’s teaching and research centers on public deliberation and community collaboration, with a particular focus on designing and evaluating decision-making processes regarding inclusion, equity, transparency, and authenticity. Darrin has developed measures to assess the quality of deliberative and collaborative […]
Kate Willink is the inaugural Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and an Associate Professor of Communication Studies. The Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs (VPFA) works closely with the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor and faculty members across the university to support the continued excellence of DU faculty by enhancing faculty development initiatives, increasing faculty diversity, […]
Kathleen’s women’s philanthropy expertise results from strategic designs to engage more women at universities (Cornell University, University of San Francisco, Duke University, The College of William Mary), nonprofits (American Red Cross, Women Moving Millions, the National Jewish Federations of America, the National Women’s History Museum), sororities (Alpha Chi Omega Foundation, the Alpha Phi Foundation) and […]
In her current role, Dawn leads institutional efforts in building an excellent and diverse faculty through inclusive policy development, faculty mentoring and advancement, and leadership training. She also oversees the Office of Institutional Research, the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, and the University Ombuds Office. Prior to her current position, she served as […]