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Image of Meredith Goldsmith

Meredith Goldsmith

Professor of English, Ursinus College

Meredith Goldsmith is a professor of English at Ursinus College, where she specializes in late nineteenth and early twentieth-century US literature. She has published numerous articles on late nineteenth and early twentieth-century American literature in scholarly journals, including Legacy: A Journal of US Women’s Writing, American Literary Realism, American Literary History, Mosaic: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Literature, and modern fiction studies. She is the editor of three scholarly collections, American Literary History and the Turn toward Modernity (University Press of Florida), Edith Wharton and Cosmopolitanism (University Press of Florida), and Middlebrow Moderns: Popular Women’s Writing of the 1920s (Northeastern University Press). She is the former editor of the Edith Wharton Review and past president of the Edith Wharton Society.

Beyond her scholarship, Goldsmith’s expertise lies in faculty development, teaching and learning, strategic planning, and the digital humanities. She has successfully sought support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Duke University Humanities Writ Large Fellowship program, and the Pennsylvania Consortium for the Liberal Arts/Arthur Vining Davis Foundation. At Ursinus, Goldsmith has served as the founding director of Ursinus’s Teaching and Learning Institute, assistant and associate dean of academic affairs, special assistant to the president, and chief strategy and innovation officer.