Higher Ed Leaders: We're Here for You - A Message from Our CEO
Portrait of Kristen McCauliff

Kristen L. McCauliff, Ph.D.

Interim Dean of the College of Communication, Information, and Media, Ball State University

Kristen is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Ball State University where she teaches classes and advises graduate students in the areas of rhetorical theory, criticism, feminism and media analysis. Her articles have appeared in a number of journals including Communication Studies, Women & Language, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, and Journal of Faculty Development. And her co-authored book entitled Listening to Women on the Right: Communication Strategies of Today’s Female Republican Politicians was published in 2017 with McFarland Press. Kristen also serves as Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development where she supports faculty support initiatives across campus including, Communities of Practice, High Impact Teaching Practices, New Faculty Academy, and Open Educational Resource adoption. Dr. McCauliff completed her PhD at the University of Georgia and her MA at Wake Forest University. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, reading, and rowing.