Dr. Judith Gay
Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and Chief of Staff, Community College of Philadelphia
Dr. Gay’s current responsibilities include fostering strategic opportunities, and oversight for institutional effectiveness, diversity and inclusion, online learning, multimedia services, and community engagement. She held previous positions at the College as Chief Academic Officer and as Interim President. Before coming to Community College of Philadelphia, in addition to serving various administrative roles, she served as a faculty member, full- and part-time, achieving the rank of full professor.
Dr. Gay also serves as co-chair for the city of Philadelphia’s Running Start Committee which helps provide oversight for the city’s plan to provide quality early learning for all children; chair of the board for Interim House, Inc., an innovative substance abuse treatment program for women; and executive committee member for Pennsylvania’s American Council on Education Women’s Network.
She is co-author of the 2018 book, Up and Running: Starting and Growing a Leadership Program at a Community College, written to help other institutions create leadership development programs.
She has an undergraduate degree in psychology from Findlay College and a Ph.D. in experimental psychology from Bowling Green State University in Ohio.