Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need
Portrait of Eric Klein

Dr. Eric Klein

Dean of Learning and Technology Resources at Grossmont College

As Dean, Eric is responsible for providing leadership, administrative oversight, and coordination of online and digital education. He has held several administrative positions throughout his career in higher education, and has been described as a visionary, inclusive, and collaborative leader. Eric has also received numerous awards and recognition, including the Alfred Noble Robinson Award at Lehigh University in 2010, which is awarded annually to one member of the University in recognition of outstanding performance in the area of service and unusual promise of professional achievement.

He is actively involved in several professional organizations, including his role as Chair of the Partnerships Small Grants Committee for Division 2 (Teaching of Psychology) of the American Psychological Association. He is a member of the Editorial Board on the Journal of Instructional Research, as well as a founding member of the San Diego Leadership Alliance.

In recent years, Eric has presented at numerous regional, national, and international conferences on the topics of assessment, academic program review, course design, data and decision-making, student retention strategies, and other areas related to teaching and learning. He is also a strong believer in leadership studies, continuing education, and professional development. For example, he has participated in the Management Development Program through the Graduate School of Education at Harvard University, as well as the Executive Leadership Academy at UC Berkeley, and the Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning at Penn State University.