David Reetz
Director of Counseling Center, Rochester Institute of Technology
Dr. David Reetz completed his Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Indiana University. He is a licensed psychologist in Indiana, Illinois, and New York and has spent the past twelve years serving as both a university psychologist and counseling center administrator. Prior to his role at RIT, Dr. Reetz served as the Director of Counseling Services at Aurora University and Hanover College. Across these distinct educational settings, Dr. Reetz’s leadership produced more efficient and effective service practices to reach a broader range of students and train campus-wide constituents on prevention and early intervention strategies.
Dr. Reetz is a national speaker on campus-wide mental health awareness and early intervention training, and consultant for mental health services in higher education. He is a past governing board member of the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD). For four years Dr. Reetz was the lead researcher for the AUCCCD Annual Survey, the largest on-going database on college mental health policy, practice, and service delivery trends. He served as an advisory board member for the Center for Collegiate Mental (CCMH), a national network that connects practice, research and technology to benefit college students, mental health providers, administrators, researchers, and the public. Dr. Reetz also led the mental health clinical team for the Connected College Health Network (CCHN), a multi-year project to advance educational achievement and health equity among young adults attending institutions of higher education through the creation of a college health national data project.