Cindy Babington
Higher Education Consultant, Babington Consulting
Cindy Babington is a higher education consultant helping institutions create staff development and performance management plans, identify staffing gaps and needs, leverage assessment results for decision-making, and develop programs and policies that best serve students. She has provided professional development workshops on emotional intelligence, change leadership, career discernment, employee coaching, and strategic planning.
Cindy provides this expertise from her experience in higher education, where she led and developed large staffs that successfully administered programs in student life, admissions, and financial aid to diverse groups of students. At DePauw University, she served in Cabinet-level positions, including Dean of Students, Vice President for Student Life, Vice President for Admission and Financial Aid, and Chief of Staff and Vice President for Strategic Initiatives. Cindy is a trained facilitator of the EQ-I 2.0, an instrument that assesses emotional intelligence.