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Portrait of Christina Hicks-Goldston

Dr. Christina Hicks-Goldston

Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator, Austin Peay State University

Christina is an Associate Professor of Communication at Austin Peay State University, as well as a state-certified Service Learning trainer and member of the Service Learning Advisory Board for her university. Her film, Making the Connection: the Service Learning Revolution, received eight awards for excellence and design following its August 2014 release. Christina’s current projects include an online Service Learning course at APSU, and research on empathy-building activities for students. She has presented at the Tennessee Conference on Volunteerism and Service Learning, the International Association for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement, the International Symposium on Service Learning, the Alliance Management Institute’s Nonprofit Leadership Alliance conference, the International Organization for Social Science and Behavioral Research, and her chapter, “Think Globally, Act Virtually” was included in the 2018 book, Community Engagement: Principles, Strategies, and Practices by Robert Kronick (Ed.).