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Picture of Dr. Anny Morrobel-Sosa

Dr. Anny Morrobel-Sosa

Reporting directly to the president, Dr. Morrobel-Sosa serves as chief academic officer of the college and serves as the executive office in the president’s absence. Dr. Morrobel-Sosa works closely with the deans of five academic schools (arts and humanities, continuing and professional studies, education, health sciences, human services and nursing, and natural and social sciences), and vice presidents and associate provosts in the offices of enrollment management, academic programs, academic personnel, research and external support, international programs and global partnerships, institutional research, planning and assessment, and the library to promote the college’s academic vision across and beyond the campus, and contribute to building the institution’s academic reputation and national and international visibility.

A native of the Dominican Republic, Dr. Morrobel-Sosa has held prior faculty and administrative positions at University of Alabama, California Polytechnic State University, Georgia Southern University, and University of Texas at El Paso.