Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

The Future of Higher Education

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The Future of Higher Education

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Will Higher Education Seize the Future or Fall Victim to It?


Today higher education faces four unforgiving paradoxes:

  1. Amid growing awareness that the traditional business model is broken, most higher-ed leaders are doubling down on that model.
  2. The way we manage our education model is undermining its relevance and value.
  3. We need to change quickly, but our institutions operate at capacity and our governance models are not supportive of rapid innovation.
  4. The value of a degree is increasing, but so is public skepticism of that value.

These paradoxes don’t have easy answers, but they must be addressed. Join us in July for a deep discussion of findings from our recent paper The Future of Higher Education. You will hear perspectives contributed by university presidents and board chairs on the four paradoxes we all face–and on four strategies that can make a difference.

Who should attend?

This free webcast will offer new ideas and approaches to:

  • Presidents and board members
  • Senior academic and administrative leaders
  • Heads of human resources and organizational development
  • Directors of leadership academies and leadership development programs