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Facilitating Racial Equity Intergroup Dialogue Circles: A Bootcamp for Group Facilitators


Facilitating Racial Equity Intergroup Dialogue Circles: A Bootcamp for Group Facilitators


June 21 – August 9, 2023

Individual Dates: June 21, 28, July 12, 19, 26, August 2, and 9, 2023

Restore and transform members of your campus community through this train-the-trainer program.


Given the heightened attention to the interrogation of the racial inequities on our college campuses that have disenfranchised historically marginalized populations, there is an increased need for educators to facilitate racial equity intergroup dialogue circles for members of their campus community. Intergroup dialogue is a practice that can be used to talk about issues of social justice, power, race, and oppression, with people who hold varied social identities and have differing views on these issues. Oftentimes, those who are tapped to guide these discussions may feel out of practice or ill-prepared to facilitate these critical conversations.

Join us for this online bootcamp, which is designed to provide facilitators with the tools to create restorative and transformational spaces of dialogue. You’ll be guided through the bootcamp by Dr. Bridget Kelly, who has over 20 years of experience preparing socially just educators and examining university campus cultures for racial, gender, and educational equity. To help you feel more prepared as an intergroup dialogue facilitator, you’ll learn how to interrogate personal identity, respond to others’ diverse perspectives and opinions in a respectful way, and critically examine social practices of power, privilege, and oppression. Through a mix of small group interaction, affinity groups, and case studies, you’ll:

  • Explore topics such as racism, power, privilege, and intersectionality in the context of higher education
  • Practice facilitation techniques such as active listening, multi-partiality, and managing “hot” or tense moments
  • Receive constructive and real-time feedback from your peers and the instructor
  • Analyze and reflect on what you’re learning

This bootcamp experience provides you with an opportunity to develop a personalized and unique dialogue protocol with guiding questions centered around racial equity so that you feel more comfortable, confident, and prepared to facilitate your next intergroup dialogue experience.


A Highly Personalized Experience

Your registration for this bootcamp includes the opportunity to receive feedback from peers and your expert instructor on your intergroup dialogue protocol, which you will also create during this bootcamp. To preserve the intimate and interactive nature of this training, the bootcamp is limited to 24 participants. Register early to reserve your spot!


What You Will Get

This online bootcamp consists of:

  • Seven 2-hour live online sessions with interactive discussions and activities with your instructor and peers.
  • Practice facilitating intergroup dialogues in small group circles and affinity groups with debriefing sessions afterwards.
  • A collection of scholarly articles and case studies to guide your reflection, discussion, and practice during and after the bootcamp.
  • Feedback from the instructor and peers to help you refine your facilitator protocol.
  • The opportunity to extend your network and dialogue with other intergroup dialogue facilitators who are experiencing similar challenges and opportunities.


Who Should Attend?

This seven-week intensive bootcamp is for faculty and staff who are a) currently facilitating conversations on race, power, and oppression or b) aspiring to effectively engage in these critical conversations. While the bootcamp is grounded in race dynamics in the United States, participants from international countries are also invited. If you’ve been asking yourself any of the following questions, this bootcamp is for you:

  • What knowledge do I need to acquire both about myself and about issues of diversity, equity and inclusion in order to effectively facilitate an intergroup dialogue centered around race, power, and oppression?
  • Which skills, techniques, and communication strategies are most commonly used by facilitators, and how can I incorporate them into my own unique facilitation style?
  • How can I guide participants to share personal stories about their deeply held beliefs and experiences with privilege, oppression, and social justice?
  • What do I need to know about myself to remain partial to multiple people without being neutral or taking a monolithic approach?


Follow Through With Success Coaching

Have you ever gone to a training only to find that you came back with great ideas but don’t have the time, support, or skills needed to make the changes?

Academic Impressions has produced thousands of trainings and we have learned that utilizing a coach after attending a program helps provide accountability and bridges the training with the on-the-ground work of getting the job done.

As a result, we are now offering success coaching on select programs.

  • Purchase this training + 3 one hour follow up success coaching calls
  • Work with an assigned coach who has extensive experience in higher ed.
  • Get individualized support to help you follow through on what you’ve learned.
  • Workshop your plans, run your ideas by someone and get additional help/practice.

To get success coaching, simply purchase the Bootcamp and add Success Coaching during registration.

Learn More About Success Coaching

Hear About the Bootcamp Experience

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“This was a wonderful, innovative experience. Great ideas and resources were shared by participants and presenters. High energy and an overall wonderful learning experience."

- Marisol Marrero

Executive Director of StudentLink Centers, New York University

“I was so impressed with Academic Impressions that I cannot wait to recommend these trainings to colleagues and bring Academic Impressions to my institution!”

- Kristin Miller

Director of Advancement, College of Visual and Performing Arts, NIU Foundation

“The variety of expertise allowed me to bring skills back to my shop and overall improve our tool-kits.”

- Garrett Aanestad

Chapman Fund Manager, Chapman University


June 21 – August 9, 2023

Individual Dates: June 21, 28, July 12, 19, 26, August 2, and 9, 2023


Session 1: The Art and Science of Facilitation

Wednesday, June 21, 2023 – 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET
Before you can facilitate a productive dialogue on race, power, and oppression, you must first understand the factors behind the “art and science” of facilitation, so that you know how to create a brave space for dialogue. In this opening session, you will learn key principles of dialogic pedagogy and you will explore how to:

  • Put people at ease and get them to open up
  • Recognize the importance and impact of your personal identity in facilitation
  • Identify your unique style of facilitation



Session 2: Foundational Intergroup Dialogue Skills

Wednesday, June 28, 2023 – 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET
In this session, you will begin translating pedagogy into practice by learning how to use the P.A.I.R.S. technique to prevent dialogue from getting derailed. In small groups and affinity groups, you will apply this technique to a case study and get feedback from your peers on how to:

  • Pay attention to the environment
  • Ask questions about a comment or behavior
  • Interrupt behavior
  • Relate to others
  • Share something about yourself



**NO SESSION ON Wednesday, July 5th 2023**



Session 3: Navigating Power and Oppression Dynamics

Wednesday, July 12, 2023 – 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET
Intergroup dialogue circles are designed to discuss and address topics such as racism, power, and privilege. To serve as an effective facilitator for complex topics such as these, you must understand the impact that individual, institutional, and cultural systems have on these dynamics across your college. To begin this exploration, you will practice how to:

  • Examine the intersection of racism with other -isms such as ableism, religious oppression, classism, heterosexism, genderism, etc.
  • Integrate intersectionality into your intergroup dialogue circles



Session 4: Advanced Intergroup Dialogue Skills

Wednesday, July 19, 2023 – 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET

This session will continue to deepen your understanding and practice of effective intergroup dialogue skills learned in Session 2. Since some people hold more privilege than others, it is common for dialogue to become “heated” and for people, including yourself, to become charged. This session will explore cognitive bias, dynamics of whiteness, and white supremacy. In small groups and affinity groups, you will continue to practice how to:  

  • Examine the intersection of racism with other -isms such as ableism, religious oppression, classism, heterosexism, genderism, etc. 
  • Integrate intersectionality into your intergroup dialogue circles 



Session 5: Practicing the Art and Science of Facilitation

Wednesday, July 26, 2023 – 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET

This session will encourage you to explore and examine how your personal identity – specifically, your biases and prejudices – helps or hinders how you address charged moments in intergroup dialogue. In small groups, you will explore how to demonstrate engagement and validate everyone’s experiences by practicing: 

  • Multipartiality (I.e., finding value in ideas and concepts you oppose) 
  • Active listening 
  • Individual and group modeling 



Session 6: Bringing It All Together: Refining the Art and Science of Facilitation

Wednesday, August 2, 2023 – 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET
Here, you’ll have the opportunity to utilize and integrate the techniques and skills you’ve learned by facilitating and/or observing your own intergroup dialogue circle in partnership with another small group. This is your chance to try different facilitation techniques, exchange ideas with members of your cohort, and inform your Capstone Project. Our expert faculty will be available to each group and make some recommendations to help inform your final Capstone Project. Through this experience, you’ll focus on how to promote both transformative and restorative experiences on your own campus.



Session 7: Personal and Professional Power to Create Change

Wednesday, August 9, 2023 – 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET
As we begin to conclude this program, you’ll have one more opportunity to practice and refine your intergroup dialogue facilitation skills with another small group. This session is dedicated to giving your group one final opportunity to utilize your Capstone Project in a mock intergroup dialogue facilitation circle. You will present your personal reflections and the insights you’ve discovered through the process of writing your dialogue protocol. You’ll also explore your evolving role as an intergroup dialogue facilitator by discussing unique next steps for how you will implement your protocol on campus.



Bridget Turner Kelly, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Diversity Officer, College of Education, University of Maryland-College Park

Dr. Kelly is Associate Professor in the Higher Education, Student Affairs, and International Education Policy Program. Dr. Kelly is also Diversity Officer and Chair of the Council on Racial Equity and Justice in the College of Education at the University of Maryland. She earned her master’s and Ph.D. degrees in Social Foundations of Education also from the University of Maryland.

Read Bridget's Full Bio.



$3,195 $2,845

through June 7, 2023

Members Get $250 Off.

[pretty_coaching_checkbox id="pp-coaching-checkbox-1"] Learn More

  • 3 one hour follow up success coaching calls
  • Work with an assigned coach who has extensive experience in higher ed
  • Get individualized support to help you follow through on what you've learned
  • Workshop your plans, run your ideas by someone and get additional help/practice


$3,195 $3,095

through June 7, 2023

Get access to THIS online bootcamp.

[pretty_coaching_checkbox id="pp-coaching-checkbox-2"] Learn More

  • 3 one hour follow up success coaching calls
  • Work with an assigned coach who has extensive experience in higher ed
  • Get individualized support to help you follow through on what you've learned
  • Workshop your plans, run your ideas by someone and get additional help/practice

Become a Member

Get $250 off this training + 100s more FREE with membership!

Questions About the Event?

Portrait of Jenn Duffield

Jenn Duffield
Learning & Development Manager,
Academic Impressions