Higher Ed Leaders: We're Here for You - A Message from Our CEO

Foundational Leadership Skills for Deans

Build Leadership Capacity Among Your Deans

Support Your Deans’ Success

Connect with an academic leadership expert to discuss how best to support and develop your Deans.

Deans are critical institutional leaders at the helm of Colleges and other academic units, and key members of the Provost's team. But with turnover among Deans at an all-time high, many institutions turn to Academic Impressions to provide additional support, especially for Deans new to their role, new to the institution, or both. It's time to proactively help your Deans navigate the complex demands and challenges of their roles.

Academic Impressions takes an intentional, thorough approach to supporting Deans’ leadership development. We partner with Deans to craft leadership development experiences designed to strengthen personal and interpersonal leadership skills and elevate their thinking to be more strategic and institutionally focused.

Meet Deans Where They Are

No two Deans are exactly alike. We come alongside each Dean and customize a support package that works best for them.

A Comprehensive Approach to Leadership Development

Academic Impressions’ leadership model looks across all dimensions of Deans’ leadership: Self, Others, Teams, and Systems. We equip Deans not only with individual and interpersonal leadership skills, but also the strategic thinking skills and positive-sum mindset they need to lead their units into the future.

One-on-One and Group-Based Learning

Our approach allows Deans to experience the best of both worlds: individualized learning AND myriad networking and peer-based learning opportunities with other Deans experiencing similar challenges across the country.

How We Help

Deans Success Package

Designed to support new Deans holistically throughout their first year. Combination of experiences at national executive leadership programs, 1:1 executive coaching, peer support and discussion, and subscription to Academic Impressions’ online membership to help build strength and cohesion within their own colleges or units.

Executive Leadership Development Experiences

Intentionally designed executive leadership development programs each calendar year specifically for Deans, reinforcing key leadership skills and enabling them to build a network and learn in community with peers across the nation who are experiencing similar challenges. Program topics range from essential leadership skills for Deans, to fundraising to managing difficult faculty and staff, and many more.

Team Development

Help Deans lead high-performing, cohesive leadership teams by learning how to enhance trust, improve collaboration and communication, increase psychological safety, team engagement and retention.

Needs Assessment

A comprehensive needs assessment to identify and understand each Dean's and/or institution's unique goals, strengths, and needs.

1:1 Executive Coaching

Navigate complex leadership challenges with a highly-trained executive coach who has experience in higher education and academic leadership.

Fundraising Support for Deans

Help Deans learn how to craft big ideas and communicate the goals and impact of their College through national conferences, customized on-campus workshops, and 1:1 consultation.

Support Your Deans’ Success