Five Paths to Leadership® Self-Assessment Facilitation Certification Online Training

Online | September 18, 2025 1:00 pm ET - October 16, 2025 4:00 pm ET

Registrant Access Only

This training will not be available asynchronously.

Five Paths to Leadership® Self-Assessment Facilitation Certification Online Training

Online | September 18, 2025 1:00 pm ET - October 16, 2025 4:00 pm ET

Learn to facilitate workshops about this assessment so that you can create more self-aware and adaptable leaders on your campus. 

Event Information

Thousands of faculty and staff across North America have benefited from The Five Paths to Leadership® Self-Assessment because it’s an intuitive and powerful tool that helps them to better understand their natural leadership style and how it changes under stress. By growing their self-awareness, they become more adaptive and responsive leaders, which positions them well for current or future leadership roles, whether in the classroom, in committees, or at the department/unit level.  

In addition, insights gained through the Five Paths to Leadership® Self-Assessment can be used to improve interpersonal and team dynamics. For instance, the Five Paths model can help you and your teams to:  

  • Run more effective meetings.  
  • Communicate with others in a way that supports and nurtures them.  
  • Delegate work in a way that does not feel additive.  
  • Create more effective strategic plans.  
  • Make better decisions.  

Please note that certification enables you to facilitate Five Paths workshops for as many audiences as you’d like, at the organization of your current employment. Facilitation of the Five Paths to Leadership® workshops outside of your organization is expressly prohibited. 

Register early—space is limited to 30 attendees to preserve an intimate and productive experience for all.  Prefer to do this facilitator training in person? Check out our in-person programs here

Hear More about the Assessment

Earn Your Certificate

Earn a certificate after attending this event. Here’s the process:
  1. Attend this event.
  2. Start delivering workshops on your own campus. Participants in your on-campus training will be required to rate your facilitation of the workshop using an Academic Impressions evaluation form. To receive the certification, you must meet specific benchmarks in terms of your effectiveness (details to be shared at the workshop).
  3. Bonus: Get access to three one-on-one coaching sessions with Academic Impressions staff to provide just-in-time support to help you to prepare, design, and facilitate Five Paths workshops on your own campus.

Who should attend?

We invite anyone to become certified, and in particular, we encourage HR, faculty affairs, faculty, diversity officers, student affairs professionals, and others to consider this opportunity.

Looking For a Discount?

The Five Paths to Leadership® is best facilitated by a pair, so we highly recommend bringing someone that you plan to facilitate with at your institution in the future.

Registering two people for this training gets you a special price of $2,250 per registration. To purchase registrations with this deal, please email



To see more about what we’ll cover, check out the session descriptions.

The sessions below will be highly interactive and applied, and they will model the same activities that we recommend using when facilitating your own sessions. You will be asked to role-play and practice delivering the material throughout the five sessions! Please note that you will be required to attend all five sessions in order to earn the certification.

Session 1 | Introductions and Overview
September 18, 2025 | 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET (3 hours)
In this first session, we’ll begin by discussing your own Five Paths to Leadership® scores and why you want to be certified. We will also demonstrate a Five Paths facilitation and situate the Five Paths to Leadership® Self-Assessment as a tool for personal effectiveness and leadership development. You will have the opportunity to begin reflecting on your own facilitation.



Session 2 | Understanding the Model
September 25, 2025 | 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET (3 hours)
During this session, we will dive deeper into how the Five Paths to Leadership® model works and how to begin facilitating the introduction to the model. You will practice by describing your highest and lowest paths with other participants.



Session 3 | Presenting Each Path
October 2, 2025 | 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET (3 hours)
As we continue with practice, you will have the opportunity in groups to break down a path that is neither your highest nor your lowest path. You will lead the whole group through a presentation of that path and have time to reflect on how to facilitate that path.



Session 4 | Understanding the Sage and Balancing the Paths
October 9, 2025 | 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET (3 hours)
In this session, we will dive deeper into what the path of the Sage means and how to facilitate this part of the Five Paths to Leadership®. Additionally, we will debrief full sets of scores to demonstrate how to engage in a questioning process throughout this piece of the facilitation. Finally, you will break down how your paths are balanced and are in tension with one another.



Session 5 | Practicing the Five Paths to Leadership®
October 16, 2025 | 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET (3 hours)
During our final session together, you will work in groups to facilitate a full Five Paths to Leadership® session with Academic Impressions coaches to help guide you. You will also learn more about the process for certification and the limitations on it.