Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Fundraising for Deans and Academic Leaders

Fundraising for Deans and Academic Leaders

March 20 - 21, 2025
Denver, CO

October 23 - 24, 2025
Location: TBA

Learn to meet your philanthropic goals by partnering effectively with purpose-driven donors.

Program Highlights

  • Focus on the future: Learn about the current and upcoming trends in higher education philanthropy.
  • Assess where you are: Reflect on how you can use your institutional data to understand your current challenges and needs more deeply.
  • Develop a specific initiative worthy of investment: Identify and begin drafting an outline for an initiative you want to discuss with your donors.
People in conversation at an Academic Impressions conference


People in conversation at an Academic Impressions conference

Deans and academic leaders are often thrust into fundraising without much experience or training. And while the philanthropic landscape becomes more competitive and donors become more selective, successful fundraising is harder to achieve than ever. Join us to learn how to align your academic needs and interests with donors and improve the philanthropic health of your academic unit.

Session Descriptions

More details about the timing of the days can be found by clicking Learn More and Register, but session descriptions of the two days are below:

Acknowledging Current and Emerging Challenges in Higher Education
Higher education today is facing a range of challenges, such as financial imbalance, increased competition, and enrollment declines, to name a few. In this interactive session, you will identify current and emerging challenges for your institution or academic unit, and we will discuss how these challenges relate to the philanthropic realities higher education is facing both today and into the future.

Connecting Self-Awareness to Philanthropy
As the Dean, the challenges facing your academic unit are yours to contend with. How do you show up in the face of these challenges as a leader? In this session, you will consider how your self-awareness and authenticity as a Dean influence how you approach your relationships with prospective donors.

Assessing Your Philanthropic Vital Signs
Donors give to institutions for four main reasons—appreciation, affiliation, agency, and accountability. These also constitute the philanthropic vital signs of the fundraising operation of your academic unit. This session will give you the opportunity to assess how you currently engage donors—and recognize opportunities to better engage prospects in the future.

Articulating Clear Priorities that Resonate with Donors
What do you know (or not know) about your academic unit, and how can you translate that information appropriately to internal and external constituents? Having clear priorities for your academic unit and being able to communicate them is vital to successful relationships with donors. In this session, you will consider the elements of a sound priority and reflect on the convictions a donor must possess to align with your priorities.

The Art of Philanthropic Facilitation
After assessing your philanthropic priorities and defining your goals, the next step is connecting with donors whose values align with your academic unit's vision. In this interactive session, you'll learn how to create comprehensive donor profiles and identify impactful questions to ask potential supporters. Through group activities, you'll also collaborate with peers to address common donor questions, crafting thoughtful responses that you can refine and use in future engagements.

Developing Concept Papers
One of the most meaningful ways you can engage a donor as a true partner is by presenting them with a concept paper that seeks their expertise and input on how to address a need in community or society. By providing the opportunity to engage in the concept paper process, a donor feels like a true collaborator and makes them more likely to give through your academic unit to achieve this greater purpose. In this final session, you will identify an idea that you have for a concept paper and then practice drafting it using six key questions. You will also receive feedback on your draft from peers and the facilitators.

Are you interested in getting an objective evaluation of the philanthropic health of your institution, including a comparison to other, similar institutions? Consider conducting the Vital Signs Philanthropic Health Assessment on your campus. Contact Jenn Duffield to learn more about how to put your data into practice through tailored recommendations and key findings.

Who Should Attend

Whether you are a new dean seeking to develop your fundraising knowledge and skills, an experienced dean looking to enhance your skills in preparation for a comprehensive campaign, or an academic leader wishing to increase philanthropic facilitation with donors aligned with your academic unit, this conference is for you.

Attend with your fundraising partners — deans and other academic leaders who attend with their partners in advancement return to campus with aligned strategies! Register 3 or more people and save more than $1,000! Discounts will be automatically applied at checkout.


image of Jim Langley
Portrait of Jenn Duffield

Jim M. Langley
President and Founder of Langley Innovations

Read Full Bio

Jenn Duffield
Senior Learning & Development Manager
Academic Impressions

Read Full Bio

What makes our events different?

Academic Impressions conferences provide the opportunity for quality conversations and relationship-building through both formal and informal networking opportunities in an intimate setting. Our in-depth and hands-on approach to learning provides you with actionable takeaways.

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What Our Attendees Are Saying

“As a development officer, this conference helped to build understanding between my Dean and I for the importance of development work to advance the college. This training makes us a stronger team as she better understands her role in development, in the relationships she builds, as she leads the college forward.”

- Matt Johnson, University of Idaho  

"This workshop provided the tools, time, and space to focus on how to improve your fundraising strategies. I definitely recommend attending with your development officer so that you can work together on your plans."

- Andrea Welker, Dean of the School of Engineering, The College of New Jersey


Starting at:

  • Member Price: $2,245/person
  • Non-Member Price: $2,495/person
  • Teams: Save $1,000+ for teams of 3 or more

Additional optional add-ons are available during checkout.

March 20 - 21, 2025 | Denver, CO

October 23 - 24, 2025 | Location: TBA

Questions About the Event?

Portrait of Jenn Duffield

Jenn Duffield

Senior Learning & Development Manager