Evaluating, Managing, and Optimizing the Academic Portfolio

The methods used by institutions to manage their academic program portfolios are evolving and becoming more sophisticated. Higher ed leaders now need data on four key areas to properly evaluate their academic program mix: If you are looking to take a more data-informed approach to the assessment of your academic program’s portfolio health, we invite […]

Developing a Comprehensive System of Support for First-Generation Students 

Many college campuses are celebrating the fact that their first-generation (“first-gen”) undergraduate student population has grown exponentially in the past five years, with some reporting 24-40% of their student body identifying as first-gen. However, we know that institutional and external barriers, such as varying definitions of “first-gen” and the hidden curriculum, can create roadblocks on […]

Women’s Leadership Success in Higher Education (Summer 2023)

Are you looking to take the next step in leadership but aren’t sure where to start? What strengths do you have that can help you lead with excellence? Would you like to connect with other women leaders in higher education for shared learning and support? Please join us for this powerful two-day leadership conference and […]

Faculty Mentorship: Incorporating Inclusive Practices to Foster Faculty Success

Faculty mentorship has proven to be a key factor in faculty success, as it increases research productivity, improves career satisfaction, and plays a crucial role in retaining faculty. Mentorship is especially important for historically underrepresented faculty, who face more barriers to career advancement in the academy than their white male cisgender peers. But knowing how […]

Women’s Leadership Success in Higher Education

Are you looking to take the next step in leadership but aren’t sure where to start? What strengths do you have that can help you lead with excellence? Would you like to connect with other women leaders in higher education for shared learning and support? Please join us for this powerful two-day leadership conference and […]

Customer Service Skills Training: Certification for Higher Education Professionals

As competition in higher education intensifies, so do the appetites of prospective students for institutions that provide the best education and experience for their tuition dollars. Instilling a culture of service excellence at all levels of an institution can directly enhance enrollment and improve student retention. The COVID-19 pandemic has had an undeniable impact on […]

Advanced Title IX Investigator Training and Certification 

As Title IX 2020 Final Regulations and accompanying OCR Guidance continue to unfold, so do the complexities involved in sexual harassment cases that universities must address. Upon the filing of a formal complaint alleging sexual harassment, the Title IX 2020 Amendments require institutions to conduct a thorough and impartial investigation within their grievance process. These […]

Bridging the Equity Gap in Higher Education

Students of color, first-generation students, and low-income students typically encounter the most barriers to retention and graduation at institutions. Research shows that low-income students are less likely to return to campus after the summer, that first-generation students are less likely to graduate on time, and that Black and Latinx students are more likely to enroll […]