Donor-Centric Stewardship: A Partnership with Annual Giving and Donor Relations 

It is no surprise that advancement shops are experiencing increasingly greater external philanthropic competition, which can lead to declining donor interest and investment in your institution over time. Therefore, it is imperative that annual giving staff consider revising or updating their donor acquisition and retention strategies to better serve the changing needs and desires of […]

Accelerating Education: Unveiling the Impact of 3-Year Degrees in Higher Learning

Given the changing needs of both students and employers, there is growing institutional interest in three-year degree programs across higher education. Join us for a free webinar to explore the benefits, challenges, and implications of offering a three-year degree program, which allows students to complete in a condensed time frame. Through facilitated discussion with our […]

The College of The Future: Academic Program Innovation for Tomorrow’s Student 

With the rapid pace of changing student demand, shifting institutional priorities, and ballooning costs today, it’s more challenging than ever to compete for enrollment. In this webinar, we’ll share a rubric for evaluating new program opportunities and discuss how to use a portfolio management approach to innovate your academic offerings while lowering departmental costs. We’ll […]

Five Paths to Leadership℠ Results Debrief Session (April 19, 2024)

Now included in membership! Academic Impressions’ Five Paths to Leadership℠ Assessment has been leveraged in our leadership programs for years. Thousands of leaders in higher ed have benefited from this dynamic model that explores and reveals how one’s leadership styles manifest under normal circumstances—and how they change under stress. Having a deeper understanding of your […]

Five Paths to Leadership℠ Results Debrief Session (March 22, 2024)

Now included in membership! Academic Impressions’ Five Paths to Leadership℠ Assessment has been leveraged in our leadership programs for years. Thousands of leaders in higher ed have benefited from this dynamic model that explores and reveals how one’s leadership styles manifest under normal circumstances—and how they change under stress. Having a deeper understanding of your […]

Five Paths to Leadership℠ Results Debrief Session (May 31, 2024)

Now included in membership! Academic Impressions’ Five Paths to Leadership℠ Assessment has been leveraged in our leadership programs for years. Thousands of leaders in higher ed have benefited from this dynamic model that explores and reveals how one’s leadership styles manifest under normal circumstances—and how they change under stress. Having a deeper understanding of your […]

Taking a Formative Assessment Approach to Annual Faculty Evaluations

Whether your faculty are standout rock stars, or they are struggling to perform as expected, the annual evaluation is a valuable opportunity to foster engagement with them. It’s a chance to reflect on how the year has gone, express gratitude for their contributions to the campus community, and provide specific and actionable feedback to help […]

The Art of Faculty Accountability

For many reasons, it can feel challenging to hold faculty accountable for their performance—especially when they’re struggling. The truth is, not holding faculty to expected standards often seeds long-term problems, creates resentment amongst faculty colleagues, and is a disservice to the institution’s students. But how do we do this work in a way that brings […]

Free Live Event Demo (GOW)

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