Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

An Introspective Look at Higher Ed Leadership’s Impact on Trust, Morale, and Retention

Political interference, campus protests, demographic cliff(s), rising costs, and campus closures are all contributing to the public’s declining trust in higher education. But it’s not just the public. Respected and “star” faculty and administrators are also losing faith and continue to show signs of disenchantment, anxiety, and mistrust. In fact, 57% of faculty and staff […]

Overcoming the 5 Key Challenges to Sustaining a Positive Culture of Service Excellence

You’ve embraced the idea of enhancing customer service on your campus, you’ve provided training for your team, and now the hard part begins—maintaining momentum! This free webcast will discuss five key challenges to sustaining a culture of service and how you can overcome them. The five challenges are:  Join us for this virtual learning experience developed […]

Summer FUN-draising Reading Challenge

In his book The Future of Fundraising, Jim Langley, President and Founder of Langley Innovations, addresses how and why our current perceptions are trailing behind philanthropic realities and offers a purpose-driven fundraising model and mindset that will allow institutions to:  Join us as an individual or with your advancement team (including academic leaders) to participate […]

Elevate and Energize: 4 Key Strategies for High Impact Leadership Retreats

Many higher ed leaders organize leadership retreats to jump-start planning and build cohesion among their senior teams, but few retreats are as effective as they could be. In this free webcast, we’ll help you design a retreat that is more purposeful, that builds trust through collaboration, and that engages all voices and perspectives on your […]

Collaboration: The Secret to Breaking Free from the “Do More with Less” Mindset

Most institutions today are struggling with budget and enrollment challenges. When leaders compete for limited resources, it often creates a “zero-sum” mindset where some people are winners and others are losers. This dynamic causes people to protect themselves and their “turf” rather than working together to address hard problems.   This hour-long webinar will delve into […]

Five Paths to Leadership℠ Results Debrief Session (June 28, 2024)

Now included in membership! Academic Impressions’ Five Paths to Leadership℠ Assessment has been leveraged in our leadership programs for years. Thousands of leaders in higher ed have benefited from this dynamic model that explores and reveals how one’s leadership styles manifest under normal circumstances—and how they change under stress. Having a deeper understanding of your […]

A Community of Practice: Discussion Circle for Title IX Coordinators 

With the release of the new regulations on April 19, 2024, you, as the Title IX Coordinator, are likely in the thick of drafting your policies and procedures to comply with Title IX’s new legal mandates.  Therefore, you will inevitably have questions and encounter challenges while implementing the new requirements. Having a community of peers […]

Flexing Your Approach with Different Direct Reports 

If you support more than one person, you’ve likely already learned that what might work with one person, might not work for another.  In this discussion, we’ll explore what “flexing your approach” looks like with different direct reports.  For example, some might respond better to direct communication, others might need time to process a new […]

Making it Work When You Don’t Get Along with a Direct Report

It’s ok to accept the fact that you might not become lifelong friends with a direct report, but what do you do when you really struggle to get along with them?  Personality and work styles aside, you’ll still need to continue to supervise that person in a fair and supportive way.  In this discussion, we’ll […]