Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Strategies to Build Your Donor Base: Affinity-Based Giving 

As competition for donor dollars increases, it’s more important than ever to build solid strategies around the three critical components of the annual giving fundraising cycle: acquisition, participation, and retention.   Join us for a discussion series to learn new ideas for how to build and sustain a healthy donor base. In community with other annual […]

Strategies to Build Your Donor Base: Year-long Intentional Stewardship

As competition for donor dollars increases, it’s more important than ever to build solid strategies around the three critical components of the annual giving fundraising cycle: acquisition, participation, and retention.   Join us for a discussion series to learn new ideas for how to build and sustain a healthy donor base. In community with other annual […]

Strategies to Build Your Donor Base: Segmentation

As competition for donor dollars increases, it’s more important than ever to build solid strategies around the three critical components of the annual giving fundraising cycle: acquisition, participation, and retention.   Join us for a discussion series to learn new ideas for how to build and sustain a healthy donor base. In community with other annual […]

Strategies to Build Your Donor Base: Comprehensive Multi-channel Solicitation Calendar 

As competition for donor dollars increases, it’s more important than ever to build solid strategies around the three critical components of the annual giving fundraising cycle: acquisition, participation, and retention.   Join us for a discussion series to learn new ideas for how to build and sustain a healthy donor base. In community with other annual […]

Building a Sustainable Culture of Service Excellence  

You’ve introduced the idea of enhancing customer service on your campus, you’ve read the latest trends, and have provided training for your team. And now the hard part begins—moving from the idea stage to the sustainable actions that will lead to change, especially when it comes to retention and the student experience. This webcast will share specific […]

Supervision Certificate Program – October 2nd Cohort

All too often in higher education, individuals move into a supervisory role without the necessary tools and skills to be successful. Particularly in today’s challenging environments, effective supervision is key to building an equally effective culture where each individual can contribute to team success. Join us online for a four-week bootcamp specifically designed for higher […]

Supervision Certificate Program – September 5th Cohort

All too often in higher education, individuals move into a supervisory role without the necessary tools and skills to be successful. Particularly in today’s challenging environments, effective supervision is key to building an equally effective culture where each individual can contribute to team success. Join us online for a four-week bootcamp specifically designed for higher […]

Demo for Ops

Dogs, often hailed as humans’ best friends, have been the topic of many scientific studies looking into how they might boost our well-being. In this Spotlight, we’ll explain how your friendly pup can benefit your health across the board. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), an estimated 78 million dogs […]

Five Paths to Leadership℠ Results Debrief Session (September 29, 2023)

Now included in membership! Academic Impressions’ Five Paths to Leadership℠ Assessment has been leveraged in our leadership programs for years. Thousands of leaders in higher ed have benefited from this dynamic model that explores and reveals how one’s leadership styles manifest under normal circumstances—and how they change under stress. Having a deeper understanding of your […]

Five Paths to Leadership Results Debrief Session (August 25, 2023)

Now included in membership! Academic Impressions’ Five Paths to Leadership Assessment has been leveraged in our leadership programs for years. Thousands of leaders in higher ed have benefited from this dynamic model that explores and reveals how one’s leadership styles manifest under normal circumstances—and how they change under stress. Having a deeper understanding of your […]