Recognizing & Resisting Imposter Syndrome: A Discussion Series

The competitiveness, individualism, and emphasis on expertise in higher education creates an environment ripe for imposter syndrome, where people across roles and responsibilities feel as if they are not “enough” or ever “doing enough.” In this discussion series, you will learn how imposter syndrome operates, both institutionally and psychologically, to keep you from contributing your […]

Supervising Multigenerational Teams: Building Understanding to Support Success

Your team may have up to five generations working together, a phenomenon that is unique to our time in history. This generational diversity makes our teams stronger and more ready to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse student population. To leverage the full strength that comes from this generational diversity, however, supervisors must first […]

Training Frontline Student Leaders in Customer Service

As institutions prepare to open for the new academic year, training frontline student leaders—including Orientation Leaders, Resident Assistants, and front desk workers—is critical to enhancing the campus culture of service and creating a welcoming environment. Not highlighting “customer service” skills in student staff training leaves your most prominent frontline ambassadors ill-equipped to make a great […]

Freedom of Speech, Academic Freedom, and DEI: A Complicated Relationship

Within higher education, the debate related to the First Amendment and academic freedom—and whether or not they are a hindrance to diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives—continues to be a polarizing topic. During these uncertain times, it’s more important than ever that campus leaders are armed with facts as well as critical perspectives, to assist them […]

Effective Donor Cultivation Strategies for Academic Deans

Donor cultivation is a critical element of sustainable fundraising practices. Academic deans must employ strategies that are aligned with the donor’s personality, values, and philanthropic outlook to meaningfully develop the donor relationship. Without this intentional approach to donor cultivation, less strategic fundraising strategies may cause a dean to fail to build a relationship with a […]

World War Z? The Impact of Multiple Generations on Campus

With more generations in the workplace than ever before, there is no shortage of jokes, social media flurry, and casual speculation about the Millennials in your team meeting or the Boomer down the hall. Interestingly, while we love to discuss these topics, very few people actually know what their differences are beyond vague stereotypes like […]

Have It Your Way (or Not): Customer Service Across Generations

A college community has perhaps the most generationally diverse members of any organization. From Baby Boomers and Generation X to Millennials and Gen Z, today’s students and employees alike co-navigate university systems with vastly different expectations of how they like to be treated as customers. These varying preferences have great impact on the campus culture […]

Transitioning Campaign Success into Evergreen Giving Opportunities

Campaigns are long-term, effort-intensive fundraising cycles that require hard work and commitment from Advancement staff, university and volunteer leaders, and donors. When a campaign comes to a close, the institution must balance the celebration of its accomplishments and gratitude for donors with the ongoing need for philanthropic support, all in the setting of inevitable potential […]

2022 Professional Development Accomplishments and 2023 Goals

Pause. Reflect. Look Ahead. Use this time to set more meaningful goals and prepare for the year ahead. As the year ends, we’ve observed that many of you are working so hard and moving so quickly that the time and energy to pause and reflect has been limited. The habit of reflection can build self-awareness […]