Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Actualize Your Purpose, Part 2: Everyday Strategies for Staying Connected to Your Well-Being

Working in higher education now requires navigating remote, hybrid environments and supporting overextended students and colleagues while navigating institutional complexity and resource precarity. To show up for this kind of work, you must intentionally center your well-being to thrive in this ever-changing environment.  In Part 1 of this workshop series, you assessed your well-being, identified […]

Actualize Your Purpose, Part 1: Connecting Your Well-Being to Your Work

Working in higher education now requires navigating remote, hybrid environments and supporting overextended students and colleagues while navigating institutional complexity and resource precarity. To show up for this kind of work, you must intentionally center your well-being to thrive in this ever-changing environment.  Join us for Part 1 of our interactive workshop series, Actualize Your […]

Actualize Your Purpose, Part 2: Everyday Strategies for Staying Connected to Your Well-Being

Working in higher education now requires navigating remote, hybrid environments and supporting overextended students and colleagues while navigating institutional complexity and resource precarity. To show up for this kind of work, you must intentionally center your well-being to thrive in this ever-changing environment.  In Part 1 of this workshop series, you assessed your well-being, identified […]

Actualize Your Purpose, Part 1: Connecting Your Well-Being to Your Work  

Working in higher education now requires navigating remote, hybrid environments and supporting overextended students and colleagues while navigating institutional complexity and resource precarity. To show up for this kind of work, you must intentionally center your well-being to thrive in this ever-changing environment.  Join us for Part 1 of our interactive workshop series, Actualize Your […]

Supervision Certificate Program – February 5 Cohort

All too often in higher education, individuals move into a supervisory role without the necessary tools and skills to be successful. Particularly in today’s challenging environments, effective supervision is key to building an equally effective culture where each individual can contribute to team success. Join us online for a four-week bootcamp specifically designed for higher […]

Five Paths to Leadership℠ Results Debrief Session (February 23, 2024)

Now included in membership! Academic Impressions’ Five Paths to Leadership℠ Assessment has been leveraged in our leadership programs for years. Thousands of leaders in higher ed have benefited from this dynamic model that explores and reveals how one’s leadership styles manifest under normal circumstances—and how they change under stress. Having a deeper understanding of your […]

Inclusive Leadership Certificate Program: Build Your Skills and Self-Awareness – June Cohort

Effective leadership is inclusive leadership. When our colleagues feel they can show up authentically in all aspects of their identities and contribute without fear of repercussion, we’re building stronger teams and stronger organizations. But this doesn’t happen automatically—it takes time, intention, and continuous learning and growth.  Our Inclusive Leadership Certificate Program: Build Your Skills and […]

Self-Awareness as Your Superpower: A Certificate Program for Department Chairs (April Cohort)

They lead the way they do because they study their own attitudes, behaviors, and motives. However, the most effective department chairs also practice “other-awareness,” which means that they study the impact of their attitudes, behaviors, and motives on others. And this can be your superpower, because it increases your effectiveness in developing meaningful relationships with your stakeholders, […]

Self-Awareness as Your Superpower: A Certificate Program for Department Chairs (January Cohort) 

Self-awareness lies at the heart of effective leadership. A self-aware department chair understands why they lead the way they do because they study their own attitudes, behaviors, and motives. However, the most effective department chairs also practice “other-awareness,” which means that they study the impact of their attitudes, behaviors, and motives on others. And this can be your […]