Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Making it Work When You Don’t Get Along with a Direct Report

It’s ok to accept the fact that you might not become lifelong friends with a direct report, but what do you do when you really struggle to get along with them?  Personality and work styles aside, you’ll still need to continue to supervise that person in a fair and supportive way.  In this discussion, we’ll […]

Managing Up, Down, and Across

No one supervises in a vacuum.  Supervision involves people, so it’s inherently messy and relational at its core.  We all report to people above us, work alongside peers at our level, and support people below us.  In some ways, our direction and success are dependent on how well we navigate information flow, strategy, and implementation […]

Making 1:1 Check-ins More Effective

How do you spend the time in your 1:1 check-ins?  What makes them hard or what could make them more productive?  In this discussion, we’ll gather ideas and strategies from the group on how we’ll unpack one of the most basic, important, and sometimes challenging tools we have – the check-in.    

The Mindset Shift in Becoming a Supervisor

Becoming a supervisor requires shifting your mindset from an individual contributor to someone who must also create an environment that will enable other’s success.  This requires a mindset shift.  You don’t want to lose sight of your own preferences and unique skillsets but now, your work must also be driven by what is best for […]

How You Want to Show Up as a Supervisor

Some people may have intentionally sought out supervision. Others may have fallen into that path.  Regardless, how many people ask themselves what kind of a supervisor they want to be? In this discussion, we’ll create the space for you to think about what kind of supervisor you want to be.  We’ll explore questions like:   

ENCORE: The Role of Philanthropic Conversations in Families

Transferring values, not just dollars, is the essence of philanthropic conversations in families. These conversations rarely occur with families who have the actual capacity to give, however. Whether your alumnus identifies as middle-class or is part of a family with a long-storied history with your institution, cultivating conversation among their closest familial ties is often […]

Encore: Keys to a Successful Relationship Between Deans and Development Officers

Philanthropy is critical to helping institutions meet their academic missions, and at its core, it is all about building and maintaining relationships. Although fundraising is just one of the myriad responsibilities overseen by an academic dean, the development officer is a key partner in assisting the dean in achieving those fundraising goals. To find success […]

Annual Giving Institute for New Professionals

In the ever-evolving landscape of annual giving, the recent shift away from the APR metric has opened unprecedented opportunities for your organization. If you’re new to annual giving or looking to revitalize your approach, this session is your gateway to becoming the transformative force your organization needs.  When it comes to your data, annual giving […]