Essential Leadership Skills for Department Chairs 

Leading as an academic department chair is a challenging role, requiring the navigation of competing priorities, resource constraints, and an evolving higher education landscape. This two-day, in-person conference is designed to equip department chairs with practical strategies to lead effectively. On day one, participants will reflect on their leadership approach, focusing on enhancing influence, engagement, […]

Developing a Comprehensive Retention Plan 

Join us for this longstanding, must-attend conference to develop a campus-wide retention plan that ties your mission, data, and programming together in a unified approach. Our expert speakers will share their latest insights as we continue to navigate the effects of the pandemic and changing student demographics. Whether you have a retention plan already in […]

Optimizing Your Fundraising Strategy: A Summit for Presidents and Advancement Vice Presidents

As a president, you play a critical role in creating the institutional conditions that attract significant and sustained philanthropic investments. Some of the questions you may be asking as you seek to define your unique institutional narrative for donors are:  It’s easiest to answer these questions when you have established a clear delineation of responsibilities […]

Fundraising for Deans and Academic Leaders 

As a dean, you hold numerous responsibilities, and fundraising is likely a critical part of your portfolio. You are probably also finding the philanthropic landscape more competitive than ever, as donors are becoming more selective with their giving. To be a successful fundraiser, it is important to understand how to align your interests with those […]

Customer Service Skills Training: Certification for Higher Education Professionals

Instilling a culture of service excellence at all levels of an institution is more important than ever. It creates a sense of community amongst faculty, staff, and students, which makes your campus a great place to be. Join us for this in-person conference where you will start taking steps to create or improve the culture […]

Maximize the Success of Your Next Campaign: A Conference for Campaign Leaders

As the campaign leader, you must be thoughtful and organized in your approach to campaign planning to pull off this large-scale initiative for your campus community. This front-end planning phase requires you to evaluate the feasibility of your campaign, create the infrastructure of support, ensure buy-in and commitment from critical stakeholders, prepare your staff, and […]

Maximize the Success of Your Next Campaign: A Conference for Campaign Leaders

As a campaign leader, you may have felt pressure to skip some of the front-end planning necessary to evaluate the feasibility of your campaign, create the infrastructure of support, ensure buy-in and commitment from critical stakeholders, prepare your staff, and garner volunteer leaders.  However, in today’s competitive fundraising landscape, that is no longer an option.  […]

Intentional and Strategic Management of Alumni Volunteers

Alumni volunteers are valuable to institutions in both their service and giving power, as they tend to give 10 times more than non-volunteers over their lifetimes. Their generous contributions of both time and treasure are often indispensable to institutions, and they can play a pivotal role in fostering a culture of philanthropy for your campus […]

Intentional and Strategic Management of Alumni Volunteers

Alumni volunteers are valuable to institutions in both their service and their giving power, as they tend to give 10 times more than non-volunteers over their lifetimes. Yet, however crucial their efforts are in advancement shops, managing volunteers also poses unique challenges—like dealing with volunteer motivations and aligning volunteer efforts with your mission.  Our three-day […]

CANCELED: Developing Staff and Shaping Team Culture: A Summit for Advancement Talent Development Leaders

Unlock your team’s leadership potential with the Advancement Talent Development Leader Summit. This hands-on program will equip you with the tools to build effective leadership pathways, enhance team performance, and cultivate future leaders in Advancement.  Key benefits include:  Designed for talent development leaders in Advancement, this summit offers a unique opportunity to connect with peers […]