Essential Leadership Skills for Department Chairs

Leading as an academic department chair is difficult under the best of circumstances. You must balance the competing interests of faculty and administration and stretch limited resources, all while maintaining your own scholarship and teaching loads. Add to this the uncertainty and complexity of leading through an ever-changing higher ed landscape, and it becomes clear […]

Leading Collaboratively: An In-Person Conference for Mid-Level Supervisors

As a mid-level supervisor, you have a unique opportunity to lean into your leadership strengths in order to lead in a more collaborative way to foster innovation and inclusion in your team. Through the Academic Impressions Five Paths to Leadership℠ Self-Assessment, you will discover how you show up as a leader in typical circumstances as […]

Executive-Level Leadership: An Institute for Advanced Women Leaders in Higher Education

While women make up nearly half of the higher education workforce, they continue to be underrepresented—and underpaid—in organizational leadership roles. The goal of this conference is to bring current and aspiring executive leaders in higher education together to co-create knowledge and deepen your leadership skillset. This program is intentionally built upon Academic Impressions’ leadership model, […]

Faculty Affairs Summit: Building Comprehensive Support for Mid-Career Faculty

Based on the findings of Academic Impressions’ 2022 Faculty Retention Survey, faculty at the mid-career stage, within the ages of 35–50, report both the lowest levels of satisfaction and the highest levels of burnout. Faculty at the mid-career stage are the keystones of the institution, yet they often end up stagnating, negatively impacting climate and […]

Strategies for Campaign Planning and Public Launch

Due to popularity, this event has been moved to a larger venue 1 mile away from the original location. The event will now take place at the Denver Marriott Tech Center. Please see the Location header below for more details. The most critical phases of a successful campaign are the preparation leading up to the […]

Essential Leadership Skills for Deans

Leading as an academic Dean demands a specific and often diverse skillset that requires you to inspire those above, across, and below you in the organizational structure. If that’s not complex enough, you’re doing this work in the context of frequent leadership transitions, evolving student needs, increasing competitive pressures, scarce resources, and the highest levels […]

The Fundamentals of Leadership for New or Aspiring Leaders in Higher Education

New leaders often find themselves learning on the go—and often at the expense of intentional reflection of their leadership strengths, journey, or skill development. This leadership conference, facilitated by experienced higher education leaders, provides you with a set of tools for applying the key tenets of successful and equitable leadership. You’ll practice how to approach […]

Transitioning Leadership Annual Donors into Major Donors

To shift the mindset of a leadership annual donor into that of a major donor is a task that requires you to go beyond just knowing their capacity; you must also understand what the donor wants to see their gift accomplish, and how to align that specific desire with your institutional needs. This requires knowing […]

Building an In-House Leadership Development Program in Higher Education

Leadership development has emerged as one of the most important priorities for institutions today. The pandemic revealed the strength or weakness of an institution’s leadership—at all levels—while the resulting Great Resignation starkly revealed the depth or shallowness of an institution’s leadership bench. Most institutions are now investing heavily in building leadership programs, but they are […]

Chief Strategy Officer Roundtable: A Cohort-Based Series for VPs of Strategy

Chief Strategy Officers tend to have no peers at their institutions. Charged with driving the university’s strategic plan forward and working across stakeholders to ensure proper execution, they play critically important roles on campus. This means that they simultaneously must be data-informed and big picture-oriented, ensuring alignment with institutional mission and vision, and they must […]