Foundational Leadership Skills for Deans

Foundational Leadership Skills for Deans

Training to help Deans and Associate Deans manage change, innovate and think creatively, and also grow and sustain their Colleges financially and competitively.

Deans have one of the most difficult jobs in higher education: they must find ways to balance a variety of internal and external priorities while also setting the vision and strategy needed to keep their College competitive and relevant into an ever-changing future. Fulfilling such a complex role successfully requires strong leadership and entrepreneurial skills, many of which they have never been taught thus far in their careers.

Build the foundational leadership skills you need to create strong teams, plan and execute effectively, and position your College for success into the future.

Flagship Programs

Discounted with Membership

These programs will help you:

  • Motivate staff to think differently and move beyond the status quo.
  • Set and execute a strategy that moves your college forward.
  • Position your college competitively and in a sustainable way.

You can expect the experience to include:

  • Intimate, workshop-style events with personalized attention.
  • Needs-driven and thoughtfully planned programs with practical outcomes.
  • Action plans and next steps to use upon returning to campus.
  • Carefully-vetted instructors that are also practitioners in the field.
  • A learner-centric focus designed for interaction and collaboration.
  • The small-scale opportunity to truly connect with colleagues in the same position at other institutions.
Hand supporting the top step in staircase of wooden pegs with a glowing light bulb above it.


Innovative Strategies for Developing New Academic Programs

June 10 - 12, 2024 | Denver, CO

Master the art and science of program development and ensure that your institution's growth is both purposeful and sustainable.

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wooden dolls with a leader


Advanced Leadership Development in Higher Education

June 26 - 28, 2024 | Denver, CO

Become an institutional leader that can transform the future of higher education.

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Path concept built out of blocks


Managing Difficult Faculty & Staff: A Bootcamp for Leaders

July 9 - 30, 2024

Grow your skillset in managing the difficult people who can make leadership so hard.

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Notebooks with leadership ideas


The Fundamentals of Leadership for New or Aspiring Leaders in Higher Education

July 15 - 16, 2024 | Minneapolis, MN

Become a more self-aware, effective, and inclusive leader.

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Academic Impressions conference group image of women


Executive-Level Leadership: An Institute for Advanced Women Leaders in Higher Education

July 15 - 17, 2024 | Denver, CO

Deepen your leadership skillset and build community with a powerful network of women leaders.

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Paper airplanes


Leading Teams Through Complexity and Change

July 25 - 26, 2024 | Denver, CO

Don’t shy away from complexity—lean into it to best support your team.

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Fundraising illustration


Fundraising for Deans and Academic Leaders

October 22 - 23, 2024 | Baltimore, MD

Learn to meet your philanthropic goals by partnering effectively with purpose-driven donors.

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Discounted with Membership

Deans must lead like a CEO but often without a seat at the table, nor with the skills that the job requires. The unique culture of higher education requires deans to have strong interpersonal and inclusive leadership skills, an entrepreneurial outlook, and the ability to see past daily management tasks to motivate, strategize, and lead.

Coaching for individuals and team coaching both help leaders to navigate some of their most complex challenges, including:

  • Cultivating greater self-awareness for more impactful and inclusive conversations.
  • Developing strategic planning skills.
  • Motivating faculty and staff to move past the way “we’ve always done things.”
  • Enabling faculty and staff to work across silos and partner with others on campus.
  • Helping others to use conflict as a resource.
  • Mitigating burnout.

Individual leadership coaching meets leaders where they are by matching them with the right coach, while team coaching can help deans across units navigate complex challenges together.

Case Study

The Situation
We were approached by the provost at an R1 institution who was looking for greater team cohesion and collaboration across multiple departments and units.

The Solution
We designed a comprehensive engagement that started with 1:1 leadership coaching to establish trust, confidence, and individual development plans.

Through team coaching paired with the individual one-on-one coaching, we helped a group of Deans develop strong interpersonal and inclusive leadership skills, an entrepreneurial outlook, and the ability to see past daily management tasks to motivate, strategize, and lead.

With greater safety and support established, we used our 5 Paths to Leadership self-assessment to develop a team profile. This profile helped the Deans to have a greater understanding of how the group made (or avoided) making decisions, and together we created a shared vision.

Because of the individual and team coaching, the provost reported that there was a greater understanding of each other’s diverse work and conflict styles, strengths, and challenges. The Deans had also had developed strategies for building greater trust in each other.

As a result of the team coaching, the executives now work with each other to make more decisions (rather than their previous behavior, which had been to always turn to the senior leader), asking challenging questions of each other and as a result, achieving greater collaborations. Previously, so many decisions had been left to the senior leader to decide, but now, due to greater collaboration across units, the senior leader’s continual input is no longer necessary.

Take the next step in your role as a Dean and book a call with our Director of Coaching today!

Short-Form Trainings Covering Specific Challenges Deans Face

Included in Membership

Defining Your Leadership Approach as Dean

An image showing someone counting on their fingers.


Four Leadership Practices for New or Aspiring Deans

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Success coach working with client


Optimize Your Success as an External Dean

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wooden dolls with a leader


Exploring Different Pathways to Deanship

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Runner passing a baton


The New Realities of Senior Leadership Transitions

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Business women in a meeting


Articulate Your Value as Associate Dean

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Building High-Performing Teams

Resilient daisy in the dirt


Leading to Create Healthier Workplaces

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Sit down meeting


Managing Difficult Faculty

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Diverse people on digital devices


Best Practices for Identifying and Developing Department Chairs

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Diverse people in a seminar


Retaining and Advancing Faculty from Historically Marginalized Groups: A Discussion for Faculty Affairs and Academic Leaders

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Leading Your Unit Into the Future

Notebooks with leadership ideas


The Balancing Act of Succession Planning in the Academy: A Discussion for Faculty Affairs & Academic Leaders

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Holding plant in hand


Effective Donor Cultivation Strategies for Academic Deans

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Paper airplanes


What’s Keeping Deans Up at Night: A Free Webcast for Academic Leaders

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Illustration of fundraising a new idea


Establishing a Culture of Philanthropy as an Academic Dean

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Identifying and Communicating the ROI of External Partnerships

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Get These Trainings and More with Membership

What is Membership with Academic Impressions?

Membership with Academic Impressions is the most comprehensive online professional development subscription specifically designed for staff and faculty in higher education. Our resources support leaders, staff, and faculty at all levels with trainings on leadership development, personal development, and job-specific skills.

Join hundreds of member institutions and use this year to make professional development a regular occurrence instead of a once-a-year annual meeting.

What Does Membership Include?

Access to a continuously expanding library of live online trainings, designed to be practical, discussion-based, and highly experiential

Unlimited anytime, anywhere access to on-demand trainings and resources that you can engage with on your own time from the convenience of your workspace

New trainings every week, designed to respond to the latest needs of the higher ed community

$250 discount on multi-week cohort-based bootcamps and in-person conferences



Meghan Paladino
Director of Institutional Partnerships,
Academic Impressions