Career services are one of the most requested resources from alumni. Capitalize on this interest by expanding your online offerings to include a live and recorded webinar series. Join us online to learn how you can develop a low-cost, online, career programming series that engages your alumni as both participants and presenters. Through a showcase […]
The human and technological resources needed to ensure student success online are expensive to acquire and difficult to maintain. Consequently, institutions must make data-driven decisions about where to invest their resources. However, the data needed to inform such choices can be hard to isolate and are subject to misinterpretation given the complexities and constantly changing […]
Once you have defined your institution’s strategic messages and found your leader’s voice, the next task for your speechwriting assignment is to get words on the page. But knowing how to keep your listeners’ attention can be especially challenging when you aren’t a full-time speechwriter. Join our expert instructor, Chuck Toney, online for easy-to-implement tips […]
Effectively balancing both the immediate and long-term institutional goals of space efficiency requires a sophisticated understanding of all campus space. Yet, many space administrators continue to work with rudimentary databases that reveal little beyond room type, location, and square footage. Administrators who are able to redefine and allocate space according to room condition, technology specifications, […]
Advancement shops are increasingly turning to predictive models to assess their donor pools and ensure that their most valuable donors are receiving the appropriate level of attention. Despite this trend, many front-line fundraisers are still unclear about what predictive modeling is, how it can be leveraged in their everyday work, and how to calculate a return […]
Does general education represent a canon of knowledge, a set of skills, readiness for a student’s major, or simply a certain number of credits? These questions, along with increasing employer demands and student expectations for developing necessary competencies make it imperative to carefully assess your institution’s general education program. However, general education is difficult to […]
Online instruction continues to thrive, but instructors and designers struggle to develop effective forms of online assessment. How can an instructor know if students are meeting course objectives or achieving area competencies if tests and quizzes are not primary assessments? How can you ensure academic integrity and curb online cheating? What other forms of assessment […]
Learn how students can serve as effective philanthropic ambassadors for your shop. Agenda How are you currently using students in your shop? Institutional context: K-State’s program creation Role of student foundation Primary functions Recruiting and retaining members Breaking down student roles and responsibilities Needs assessment Nominations and application process Interview and selection process Membership retention […]
Creating a compelling capital campaign brand takes detailed planning and skilled timing. Agenda Branding 101: Understanding what a brand is Linking your institutional and campaign brand Which comes first? Do people give to an institution or to a campaign? How can a campaign brand resonate with and challenge the institutional brand? Examples of complementary institutional […]
Empowering students to mentor and advise peers can reduce staff workload and free up resources to be leveraged elsewhere on campus. However, detailed planning is required to ensure that your peer mentor programs seamlessly integrate with your first-year student programs. Before launching a program of your own, you must learn how to effectively: Identify where […]
Mid-career faculty members (tenured-system faculty members) form a large and important component of the academic workforce who experience unique challenges. Academic life has a short career ladder, and many tenured faculty members reach a plateau where opportunities for advancement decline. Further, there has been relatively little research on tenured faculty and on best practices to support tenured […]
To accommodate increasing demands for flexibility from students, many institutions offer online orientations. However, not all online orientations are effective retention tools, and they may be inferior to in-person orientations. Is your online orientation interactive, assessment based, and conducive to learning? You can increase the effectiveness of your online orientation programs by implementing research-supported online […]
Do you have limited resources for your planned giving program? Students are a low-cost and effective option for reaching out and connecting with your most loyal donors. Join us online as our expert instructor introduces a student calling program that consistently uncovers current leadership giving members and exceptional prospects. Along with gaining a thorough understanding […]
Are you setting realistic enrollment goals? Do you have the staff and resources to support your enrollment plans? Agenda Higher Ed Marketplace today Impact of economic downturn on student choice and affordability Changing demographics Increased competition Understanding your market position Internal demands Tuition dependency Mission versus market Prioritizing needs Setting Enrollment Goals First year versus […]
From administrative considerations to assessment and advising – learn how to successfully deploy blended courses. Agenda
Exceptionally high turnover within a development team can lead to impaired donor relations and can jeopardize future donations. While nearly every shop recognizes the importance of recruiting and retaining talented development professionals, few have an intentional strategy to ensure they are recruiting the right development officers for their team and providing professional development opportunities and […]
In working to meet the FERPA obligations of your campus, you’ll inevitably interact with board members, legal counsel, or other administrative leaders. Sometimes these leaders will call on you to release information or offer advice related to FERPA, and sometimes you must call on them in order to make a tough decision on FERPA. But […]
Instructional strategies that have evolved in classrooms and lecture halls typically have minimal success in blended instruction. To teach well in the blended environment, instructors need to explore new pedagogical options and craft learning activities that fit the medium. Join us online to learn key strategies for teaching successfully in blended courses and effective practices […]
The cost of providing developmental coursework to underprepared students in the U.S. is an estimated $1.4–$2 billion annually. What is the true cost of developmental education for an institution, and how is it measured? Join us online to hear Tristan Denley, a thought leader in developmental education, share his perspective on measuring the true costs […]
Strategic planning processes should be about creating a shared vision that all members of a student affairs division get behind. However, most experiences with long-term planning fall flat, in part because planning is often not connected to resource allocation or assessment. Join us online as we identify the most common strategic planning and budgeting pitfalls and […]