Learn how to build an effective and lasting partnership with your athletics department to raise more support for your institution. During this webcast, you will learn a replicable model for partnering with your athletics director to: Develop shared fundraising goals Ensure consistent messaging with donors Increase the total dollars raised between your offices During this […]
Get fresh ideas for donor relations from Lynne Wetser. Overview Join us for an exclusive online chat with Lynne Wester focusing on three innovations in donor relations. This 45-minute session is only available for our AI Advancement Pro members; bring your pressing donor relations questions and get them answered by an expert.
Storytelling that builds affinity for your institution lies at the core of every good university magazine. However, selecting the best medium to deliver the story is equally important. Aligning content across the available platforms is essential to creating a great magazine. Join us online to hear from the expert behind some of the most award-winning […]
Learn how to improve your productivity using proven time management practices. Agenda Bigger practices that are harder to implement Managing email Evaluating meeting effectiveness 5 ways to deal with procrastination Developing discipline Creating “chewable chunks†Smaller tactics that are easier to implement Asking for help 5-minute rule Celebrate small victories Bunches and bundles The myth […]
Take your student affairs case manager position to the next level of care. Agenda Fostering the growth of your case manager program Redefining your focus Generalist vs. specialists Changing your services for students Marketing of services Timeliness of services Changing services to the rest of campus Building training for the rest of campus Furthering your […]
Learn how you can successfully combine a major and planned gift into a single ask. Agenda The giving potential of blended gifts Identifying when a blended ask is the best ask Tactics for bringing up a planned gift and making a dual ask Case studies The loyal annual gift donor with potential The worried about […]
Improve your success rate for scheduling first appointments with prospects. View this pre-webcast recording that covers the fundamentals of planning your calls, including building your confidence and knowing your style, using prospecting findings, answering the two, key initial questions, planning anchor and supporting appointments, and using electronic resources to ease travel and budget pressures. It […]
Learn about a career services model that benefits students, faculty, and employers. Agenda This is a short broadcast designed to showcase an innovative practice in higher education. In 45 minutes, you will hear a colleague’s success story, learn main successes and challenges of a model, have the opportunity to ask questions and get a few […]
Don’t let leadership derailment damage your organization. Agenda What is derailment? Tell-tale signs of derailment 6 things you can do today to prevent derailment 10 strategies to implement across your organization Included are two important resources that will be key to implementing the lessons in the webcast: A diagnostic tool to help leaders at risk […]
Admissions and financial aid staff are often siloed at institutions, creating inefficiencies for both offices and those they serve. Cross-training both admissions and financial aid staff can help your institution maximize resources and improve the quality of the service you provide to prospective and admitted students and their families. Effective cross-training, however, involves a lot […]
Despite department chairs being responsible for many aspects of budgeting, faculty should play a role in the process. Unfortunately, most faculty are doing little or nothing in this regard. With a clear understanding of the budget, faculty can provide input about savings and other unexpected funds. This understanding can help your institution become more efficient […]
Learn how you can get more direct and candid feedback from your direct reports. Honest concerns, suggestions, and ideas will all help you to affirm that you are on the right path, yet many leaders do not have access to this unfiltered information. Get an in-depth examination of why and how leaders are “seduced” into […]
Make better programming decisions based on student outcomes data. Agenda Getting your data Partnering effectively to obtain the programmatic data you need How do I know what questions to ask to get the data I need? How do I know which type of analysis to ask for? Understanding your data Interpreting the results of your […]
Financial literacy programming is more crucial than ever as average student debt climbs to over $33,000 and as federal financial aid funding is increasingly tied to retention and graduation rates. Despite this fact, professionals charged with designing and facilitating their institution’s financial literacy programs struggle to engage students and encourage participation. As a result, many financial literacy […]
Learn practical strategies to help you successfully gain faculty buy-in for student success initiatives and programs. Collaborating across campus to achieve student success requires diligent work, planning, and intentional tactics on the part of student services staff. Not every outreach to faculty is successful, but this webcast will help you put your best foot forward. […]
Many stop-out programs settle for offering a limited number of degrees and little flexibility concerning the timelines for degree completion. The leadership at the University of Memphis reached higher, building a comprehensive, decentralized program that offers returning students more degree options that can be attained more quickly. Join us in an online training to learn […]
Who on campus can provide authentic and colorful insight into campus life better than your current students? Login Instructions Live Webcast: Look for the login link under Registrations in My Account. Login on September 29, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. ET. Agenda Planning and Recruiting Assessing internal capacity Technology considerations Outreach to students Application process and […]
Learn key considerations for leasing space rather than building to increase the size of your campus. Agenda Throughout this training we will focus on answering questions, including: Why would an institution decide to lease space vs. build? What components do institutions need to have in place before they engage a design firm? What does the […]
Standardize your framework for naming spaces on campus. Agenda Implementing Naming Policies Calculating space values Determining the baseline and final values of physical space Determining the value of programs, endowed chairs and professorships, and centers Procuring board approval Marketing available opportunities Additional Naming Considerations Duration De-Naming Demolishment/Renovation Getting Started in Developing a Naming Policy Working […]
Learn how you can update your career services reporting strategy with existing resources. You will be provided ideas and resources to help ensure that you are collecting the right data to better analyze your office’s performance. Obtain tips for how to better identify, track, and analyze metrics in order to: Harness the power of analytics […]