Professional Development: What Really Matters to Faculty and Staff

In this free webcast, we’ll share findings from a multi-year, longitudinal study specific to higher education—find out what really matters to employees in terms of career growth and development. Discover: In our study, we found that even in environments with very limited funding for professional development, intentional and structured conversations between supervisors and staff about […]

Pivoting Forward: The Current Financial Picture in Higher Ed

The financial impact to higher education due to the current crisis has been significant, with many colleges and universities announcing cost-cutting measures in recent weeks. It is imperative that institutions pivot and adjust in order to remain financially viable, but with so much uncertainty surrounding fall semester and the course of the pandemic, the way […]

Making Data-Informed Academic Program Decisions

Access to academic program data is more crucial than ever before. With information changing daily and emotions running high, academic and finance leaders must have all the actionable data available—and know how to apply it—so you can quickly make informed decisions and create more sustainable outcomes. This free and timely webcast will reveal how to […]

Academic Program Management: Making Data-Informed Decisions

Decision-making around academic programs is too often driven by gut feelings or internal interests. While institutional judgment is important, program decisions ultimately need to be anchored in data to ensure the program is viable and competitive in today’s market. Join us for a webcast that will help you make more data-informed decisions around your academic […]

Key Considerations for Virtual Reality (VR) Implementations for Student Learning

Most colleges and universities are either not using virtual reality (VR) or are using it in more token ways. Yet, according to the Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies 2018 report, these technologies are rapidly reaching a much more mature stage – holding more promise for higher education and student learning than ever before. For […]

Accelerate Your Professional Growth: A Forum for Chiefs of Staff

The Chief of Staff role is a relatively new and evolving entity on college campuses. The role is often vaguely defined and consequently, locating resources and support systems to be successful in your position can be a challenge. Join us for this free recorded discussion as we explore tactics and resources to help grow your […]

Using Social Media in Your COVID-19 Response

As the COVID-19 situation evolves rapidly, institutions are turning to social media—which is ideal for up-to-the-minute information—as a critical means of communication. With this channel comes a host of decisions around things like tone, content, and response times that social media managers, who may already be overtaxed, must figure out on the fly. Join us […]

Supporting Student Mental Health During the Current Crisis

Continuing to support student mental health needs in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic is critical. Stress and anxiety are high, and current circumstances are causing hardship for many. Student affairs leaders and counseling center directors are operating as best they can in this environment, while simultaneously navigating rapidly-evolving institutional responses and balancing their own […]

Supporting First Generation Students Amid COVID-19

Supporting first-generation students in this turbulent time is more challenging than ever before. There are no established best practices for addressing the diverse needs of first-generation students as institutions make decisions related to the pandemic. Understanding their unique needs and creating awareness of potential technology access gaps, among other issues, is crucial to maintaining equality […]

Supporting Faculty Transitions to Teaching Online: A Discussion for Academic Leaders

Supporting faculty through the transition to remote learning has been a tall order for academic leaders in recent weeks. While most courses have now transitioned successfully online, the need for ongoing training—both on the technology side and the pedagogical side—persists. Join us for this webcast recording to hear a discussion between your peers and our […]

Student Retention: A Discussion of Practices & Approaches During Uncertain Times

The COVID-19 crisis and the rapid transition to online learning have forced student success professionals to think about student retention on a day-by-day basis rather than semester-by-semester. Systems of outreach and support that were previously in place have had to be adapted for the online environment, and in some cases, completely overhauled. Watch this webcast […]

Perspectives on Annual Giving Amid COVID-19

Annual giving teams have needed to adapt to unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances caused by COVID-19. This has forced many shops to make big decisions on short notice, upending the long-term planning that is typically required for a successful annual giving year. This unprecedented situation calls for action now, not later, in order to salvage a […]

Leading Through a Crisis

In the last few weeks, every aspect of higher education—from educational delivery to research to student support—has changed profoundly. Leaders have had to make difficult decisions with incomplete information in hand and against a backdrop of fear and confusion, knowing that their decisions will drastically alter both campus operations and the experiences of the many […]

How to Manage Stress as a Faculty Member During Uncertain Times

The COVID-19 crisis has put a great deal of strain on faculty members as they juggle already taxing schedules with a rapid transition to remote instruction. Managing a new style of teaching, disruptions to research and writing practices, and the realities of working from home have proved to be a herculean task for many. Watch […]

Executing Your Communications Plan During a Crisis

Institutions are now several weeks into their COVID-19 responses, but there are still many emerging decisions that need to be communicated to students, families, faculty, staff, alumni, and the local community. It’s critically important that these communications are cohesive and true to your institution’s brand, while also being transparent and resonant with the intended audiences. […]

Adjusting Academic Policies Because of COVID-19: A Discussion Space

With no national standards available, it is difficult to make decisions around academic policies during the current COVID-19 crisis. In tandem with faculty senate, academic leaders are needing to revisit academic policies around things like the tenure clock, shared governance, graduation requirements, and repeating coursework that impact both students and faculty. As decision-makers push forward, […]

The Art of Faculty Accountability

For many reasons, it can feel challenging to hold faculty accountable for their performance—especially when they’re struggling. The truth is, not holding faculty to expected standards often seeds long-term problems, creates resentment amongst faculty colleagues, and is a disservice to the institution’s students. But how do we do this work in a way that brings […]

Managing Faculty Workloads: A Discussion for Department Chairs

Faculty bring a range of academic and professional talents to their departments. Because of this, many faculty carry heavy workloads, which can lead to high levels of burnout. Chairs are in the unique position to manage faculty workloads, and consequently, the long-term growth and development of faculty, as well. However, many chairs do not have […]