You will likely secure your next leadership role through your network, so surrounding yourself with the right people can make or break a career. How can you be more intentional in building your network to fast-track your career within senior leadership? Join us online and learn how a personal board of directors can help fuel […]
As a department chair, you are responsible for leading your faculty through large-scale disruptions, such as department restructures, curricular reform, and policy changes. Even if you’re familiar with change management literature, managing the change can be especially tricky within academic departments. Your role as a “middle manager” can often be ambiguous because you lead both […]
Coronavirus: Key Considerations for Working with Students in Study Abroad Programs Insert Pull Quote Here…. Login Instructions Live Webcast: Login on March 31, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. ET. WEBCAST LINK: Check back soon. Click the radio button that reads, “Enter as a Guest” In the box that says “Name,” enter your institution name Click the button […]
Your story as an underrepresented woman in the academy shapes your approaches to conflict, problem-solving, and decision-making. The perspective of underrepresented women is unique, and yet, too often we discount that unique position – burying it or even rejecting it. Denying our story does a huge disservice to our leadership potential and growth and to […]
In order to appeal to alumni and donors, you need to rethink the typical segments of age, class year, academic major, or giving status. For example, class year may not define individuals’ motivations for engagement and/or giving nearly as well as their interests or career paths. But, identifying who appreciates fine art versus who appreciates […]
When we can overcome our emotional triggers, we are able to navigate a variety of situations more effectively. But when experiencing a trigger, our emotions take over. Many of us struggle to recognize and explain our reactions. How can we take a step back to respond in the moment more thoughtfully and productively? Join us […]
Anticipating and Overcoming Objections in Frontline Fundraising An objection is not always a no. Learn how to anticipate concerns, listen to donors, and respond with confidence. Agenda This webcast will prepare you to respond to prospect objections with confidence by demonstrating how to: Use probing questions to better understand objections Recognize objection “trends” at your institution Prepare responses to common objections throughout […]
Frontline fundraising is a demanding job that leaves many major gifts officers emotionally and physically drained. Dealing with rejection and adjusting to life on the road are just two of the stressors that help explain why gift officer retention is at an all-time low. By engaging fundraisers in career planning conversations early in their tenure, […]
Enthusiastic partners can help you persuade faculty and staff of the value of philanthropic giving. Merrimack College was able to use giving ambassadors in a targeted campaign to increase their faculty participation rate from 20% to 59% in just one year. By recruiting the right leader to kick start the program, and by onboarding and […]
Supporting DACA Students in Uncertain Times: Preparing for a Supreme Court Ruling As you wait for a Supreme Court decision around DACA, are you preparing for all possible outcomes on your campus? Agenda In the three legislative scenarios below, our expert instructor will help you identify the key considerations around DACA / undocumented student support that you should discuss with […]
Learn to reach prospective students more effectively by choosing the right video channel. Agenda During this webcast, we will address how to best use both live and pre-produced video that is specifically positioned for prospective and admitted students. We will explore each of the following questions as they relate to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat: How […]
You know it’s important to put your employer partners in front of your diverse students. But events that reach the most students, such as panels and info sessions, may not resonate with your students as they have in the past. Join us online to hear how UNC Charlotte has created a targeted approach to matching […]
Graduate and professional alumni typically aren’t as engaged with their alma mater as their undergraduate counterparts. But graduate alumni are often highly career-focused with strong connections to classmates, faculty, and mentors. How you can leverage these traits to increase engagement with this population? Join us online to hear from Mario Peraza at the University of […]
Marketing can be expensive and time-consuming, so you need to connect with your students and alumni as effectively and efficiently as possible. Maybe you’re finding that the strategies you’ve been using with previous generations are not resonating with Gen Z. Or perhaps you’re uncertain whether your current practices are the best practices to reach Gen […]
Most institutions mandate sexual harassment training for all individual team members. But when was the last time your advancement team met as a group to plan for the difficult issues surrounding sexual harassment in advancement? Join us online to further these critical conversations on your campus. We will help you assess whether you have clear, […]
Join us for a webcast highlighting a successful model that “flips the script” and puts social media at the forefront of content marketing. Tony Dobies from West Virginia University will discuss: The challenges WVU previously faced How they initiated conversations about taking a more audience-centric and social-first approach to content creation How social media grew […]
Giving every student an assessment and 50-minute counseling session is no longer sustainable given the high volume of students needing mental health services. You are likely looking for new ways of delivering quality care to meet your students’ needs and manage your resources. Join us online to learn how the Urgent Care Model may be […]
Giving every student an assessment and 50-minute counseling session is no longer sustainable given the high volume of students needing mental health services. You are likely looking for new ways of delivering quality care to meet your students’ needs and manage your resources. Join us online to learn how the Stepped Care 2.0 Model may […]
When encountering professional adversity, you can easily slip into “auto pilot” — behaving in ways that are comfortable but not necessarily constructive. Do you ever find yourself repeating the same behaviors, hoping for different outcomes? Do you find yourself growing discouraged, maybe even resentful, that things aren’t going the way you’re hoping? Join us online […]
Develop a more efficient and impactful experience for donors by gathering accurate award information from financial aid officers and engaging with scholarship recipients. By implementing clear lines of communications early on, you can simplify the process and get what you need to create a cohesive donor experience. Join us to learn how to improve the […]