Training- Virtual Conference

Thank you for registering for the “Training” virtual conference. More information will be added soon, so check back. If you have questions in the meantime, please reach out to Greta Bell at

Perspectives from Underrepresented Women in Higher Ed Leadership

In recent months, we have seen a monumental shift in how we elevate the voices and perspectives of underrepresented women. Responses to this movement have been historical: renaming buildings, taking a hard look at how systemic racism has impacted our colleagues, and expanding what anti-racism looks like in our day-to-day lives. This virtual training is […]

Incorporating Virtual Labs and Lab Kits in Your Courses

Virtual labs and remote lab kits will become a reality for many faculty and instructors in the fall. Implementing these can be key to ensuring quality online education and retaining students. However, you may be new to online formats and searching for resources on how to begin. You may be asking: What types of remote […]

Essential Leadership Skills for Academic Deans (Virtual Conference)

Essential Leadership Skills for Academic Deans November 16 – 18, 2020 | Eastern Time Hone the leadership and administrative skills you need to become a successful academic dean. Welcome to your course page for your virtual conference! We’ll be adding links to meeting rooms, schedules, social media, and course materials as they become available. Make […]

Inclusive Pedagogy in Higher Education: A Mindset and Continual Practice

Faculty and instructors are preparing to enter a changed classroom climate in the fall. The Black Lives Matter movement and the resulting public reckoning are causing many educators to examine the hegemonic values that have molded our classrooms over time. Too often, we are unaware of the limiting mindsets and structures that hold us back […]

COVID-19: Mitigating Risk and Liability for a Fall Reopening

Instructor Nancy Conrad, Esq.Chair of the Higher Education GroupWhite & Williams LLP   Karen A. RobinsonSenior Advisor at the Equity Research andInnovation Center, Yale School of Medicine   Arthur L. Caplan, Ph.D.Drs. William F. and Virginia Connolly Mitty Professorof Bioethics, NYU Grossman School of Medicine Course Highlights 1hr 37m of video instruction Downloadable resources Course […]

Communication Strategies to Confront Toxicity in the Workplace (Virtual Workshop)

Instructor Stephanie HinshawSenior Vice President, Academic AffairsAmerican College of Education Course Highlights 1hr 2m of video instruction Downloadable resources Course Details Released 09/2020 If you’ve ever worked in a toxic environment, you know that one of the biggest challenges is confronting the toxicity head-on through conversation. It can be difficult to navigate these conversations because […]

Returning to Research: Preparing Your Transition from Chair to Faculty

Your transition from faculty to department chair was likely challenging. Equally, your transition from chair to faculty will also present its own difficulties. In addition to losing valuable perks like the elevated title and administrative support, you will need to catch up with the most recent names, topics, and concepts in your field. You need […]

Strategies to Improve Underrepresented Alumni Engagement (Virtual Conference)

Strategies to Improve Underrepresented Alumni Engagement August 20 – 21, 2020 Build a better strategy to represent and engage your diverse alumni. Welcome to your course page for your virtual conference! We’ll be adding links to meeting rooms, schedules, social media, and course materials as they become available. Make sure to check back as it […]

Strategies to Create More Engaging Online Courses (Virtual Workshop)

As we move our instruction online in response to the COVID-19 crisis, we feel immense pressure to create quality learning experiences. We find ourselves grasping for strategies to engage our students in our new online environment. “Engaging” is a buzzword that appears in our faculty meetings, higher ed articles, and social media posts, but many […]

Strategic Stewardship to Improve Donor Retention

In light of an industry-wide decline in both overall giving as well as in changing donor expectations, it is more important than ever that advancement shops of all sizes take a strategic donor stewardship approach. Employing tactics like segmentation and personalized recognition and engagement touchpoints, and demonstrating impact by tying gifts to ongoing institutional priorities […]

Reopening Libraries: A Dialogue on Supporting Staff and Users (Virtual Workshop)

Instructor Deirdre ChildsAccess Services Manager, West ChesterUniversity of Pennsylvania Instructor Kristin MeyerUser Experience Librarian, Grand ValleyState University Instructor Amy WardAssociate Dean of Libraries, West ChesterUniversity of Pennsylvania Course Highlights 3h of video instruction Downloadable resources Course Details Released 8/12/2020 As fall approaches, your academic library operations are drastically changing in response to COVID-19 guidelines. You […]

Creating Agile Courses for an Uncertain Fall (Virtual Workshop Recording)

Many institutions are planning courses that are adaptable to online, hybrid, and face-to-face learning options in order to be prepared for an uncertain fall. Join us with our expert speaker, Elizabeth Barrie from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, to learn how to design a course proactively so that it is adaptable in any scenario. […]

Career Services: Engaging Students in the New World of Work

With social distancing and remote learning, Career Services professionals have had to pivot quickly to serve students. These changes range from proactively connecting with students to managing virtual events to preparing students for a vastly different new world once they graduate. Join us for this three-hour discussion-based online training where you can share and glean […]

Your First Year as Department Chair: Building Trust, Communication, and Community

As a new Department Chair, you may realize there are many skills you need to be successful. Practical skills, such as scheduling and budgeting, may come to mind. However, the human development skills – those that foster trust, communication, and community between your faculty – may be the most important, especially if you’re experiencing discord […]

Reallocating Resources Across Academic Programs (Virtual Workshop)

The vexing combination of higher expenses, lower enrollments, and reduced operating capacity will force institutions to make significant cuts to academic programs this coming year. Whether to balance the budget or to free up resources for reinvestment, the challenge facing leaders is not whether to cut programs but how to do so responsibly and fairly. […]

Enforcing Social Distancing on Higher Education Campuses

Instructor Romando NashAVP for Student Life Services, University ofNevada Reno Instructor Smita RuzickaDean of Student Life, Johns HopkinsUniversity Course Highlights 1h 30m of video instruction Downloadable resources Course Details Released 7/31/2020 Higher education institutions can be as prepared as possible to reopen their campuses in terms of putting policies and procedures in place, but what […]