Taking Large-Scale Recruitment Events Online

As we face declining enrollments and a pandemic that limits in-person events, many enrollment and admissions professionals are struggling to adjust the traditional tactics they have used to recruit more students. Though most institutions rely on face-to-face recruitment events, the COVID-19 pandemic is challenging us to strategically shift to hosting virtual events instead. This program […]

Introducing Blended Gifts Into Donor Conversations

Are donors and prospects in your portfolio stalled because of downturns in stocks or other liquid assets? Have you considered incorporating blended or planned giving into your donor conversations? Join us online to learn how you can introduce planned giving options into more donor conversations, which can help you re-engage donors in difficult economic times. […]

Creating Equitable and Inclusive Meetings

Your personal identity likely shapes the meetings you lead. In order to foster open spaces where people can test ideas and practice inclusion, you should reflect on how your identity impacts your meetings. Join us for this online training to engage in self-reflection and to begin practicing communication skills that will positively impact group dynamics. […]

Building Resilience During and After the Pandemic

Overview Our current working conditions mean we are juggling rapidly changing directives from work while also trying to manage a new normal at home. How do you maintain your professional resilience when faced with surmounting challenges or, even worse, layoffs? How do we keep these setbacks from becoming defeating messages we internalize? These 90-minute virtual […]

Leading a Successful Esports Program in Higher Education

To be a successful esports coach, you must extend your traditional leadership skills into a new competitive space. The games and personalities are different, but you must manage young people and their frustrations, recruit talent, and ensure everyone graduates and contributes to the university – all within traditional and digital spaces. Join us for a […]

Authentic Fundraising in a Virtual World (Virtual Workshop)

As a frontline fundraiser, you have likely honed your “fundraising voice” over time. You have learned to embody crucial tenets such as integrity, listening, and humility in ways that feel authentic and purposeful. As you continue adapting to a virtual workflow, have you considered whether your fundraising voice is deeply rooted in handshakes or face-to-face […]

A Process-Oriented Approach to Working with Your Board and President as Chief of Staff

As Chief of Staff, you are often faced with implementing changes and initiatives set by the President, Board, and Executive Cabinet. Your role can be challenging especially when it comes to conflicting or disconnected initiatives. As those around you express concerns and ask questions regarding changes, it is your job to address them while also […]

Managing Presidential Transitions as Chief of Staff

As Chief of Staff, you will often be looked to for providing calm consistency during presidential transitions. The incoming President will likely rely on you as they acclimate to a new environment while your colleagues will count on you to convey the new President’s priorities. Join us for this webcast to learn how you can […]

Starting Courageous Conversations to Foster Diversity and Difference

Perhaps you’re working to ensure your staff reflects the diversity of your institution – or maybe you’re witnessing unfair treatment of a colleague because of race, age, or gender. No matter the situation, conversations about these issues can feel tough. With so much to be mindful of and so much at stake, you may not […]

Your First Semester as External Chair: A Roadmap for Success

As an external chair, you have a steep learning curve ahead of you. You must build a trusted advisory network, run an effective mentorship program, clarify expectations for faculty and staff evaluations, start overseeing tenure and promotion, and synthesize enrollment trends and targets. As an external appointee, you have to move fast. No one will […]

Peer to Manager: Navigating Your Transition into Leadership

A promotion to a new position, especially when the promotion is internal, is often cause for celebration and proof that your hard work is paying off. However, promotions also come with a unique set of challenges, from building credibility in your new role to managing friendships. Join us for this one-hour webcast, where you will […]

Manage Your Emotional Labor in the Workplace

Emotional labor is the process of regulating your emotions and putting others’ needs before your own during interactions with students, colleagues, and superiors in order to deliver high quality work. It can be difficult to detect – and even more challenging to manage – especially in environments that prioritize human connection, which includes most jobs […]

Cultivating a Professional and Engaging Persona on Your Video Calls (Virtual Workshop)

As a result of COVID-19, almost all the interactions you have with your students, alumni, colleagues, and donors are now through webcam in virtual meetings. Environmental factors such as poor lighting and background movement can become distractions and have implications on the level of engagement and potential for relationship building. Your body language and eye […]

Advanced Leadership Development in Higher Education Bootcamp

Advanced Leadership Development in Higher Education September 30 – October 28, 2020 Important Links Welcome! Welcome to Advanced Leadership Development in Higher Education. We have designed this intensive online leadership development bootcamp to provide you with a comprehensive, robust, and practical training in four areas of leadership: personal, interpersonal, team, and systems. We look forward […]

Navigating Senior Leadership Transitions in Higher Education

Some senior leaders starting a new position may still imagine they will be granted an informal “honeymoon” period with the time and space to acclimate to their new responsibilities, conduct a “listening tour” before making any big decisions, and build relationships. The reality, however, is starkly different. In today’s world of higher education, senior leaders […]

Improving Faculty Evaluations: A Training for Department Chairs

Faculty evaluations are one of the most challenging aspects of serving as a department chair. Emotions run high, performance rubrics aren’t always clear, and both parties may become defensive and react more than they listen. Still, these conversations don’t have to be difficult, and they don’t have to take a negative tone. They key is […]

Strategizing Multiple Outreach Attempts in Fundraising

As a frontline fundraiser, you need eleven attempts on average to reach a donor or prospect. While you might be comfortable with essential outreach duties like planning calls, securing appointments, and overcoming objections, how confident are you in planning outreach to one donor or prospect over time? Join us online to learn how to progress […]

Recruiting, Retaining, and Supporting International Graduate Students

While every graduate student is faced with challenges amid the COVID-19 pandemic, international students must navigate especially difficult circumstances as they cope with shifting visa regulations, travel restrictions, and an increased perception that they are not welcome in the United States. As international students represent a major portion of the graduate population, it is critical […]

Recruiting, Training, and Engaging Alumni Volunteers in a Digital World (Virtual Workshop)

Instructor Clarybel Peguero, Ed.D.Senior Director for Volunteer EngagementDuke Alumni Association, Duke University   Parks SmithDirector of Strategic OperationsVirginia Commonwealth University Course Highlights 1hr 11m of video instruction Downloadable resources Course Details Released 9/1/2020 Learning OutcomeAfter participating in this online training, you will be able to apply best practices in digital alumni volunteer recruitment, training, and engagement.  OverviewAlumni volunteers are […]